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Something taken too seriously. This word applies when to the combined mistakes of taking something too literally and personally while being over sensitive about it.

This is typically relevant when someone is making a scene because they are overreacting to something they heard and making more out of it than there is to it.

This is closely related to the term clitoral though cliteral includes the additional error of taking something too literally.

Trump: You've gotta grab 'em by the pussy.
Trudeau: OMG! Did you hear what Trump said? We have to invoke the Emergencies Act!
Trucker: Mate stop taking it cliterally.

by DeluxeFartJuiceLevelNine January 26, 2023


When a woman says something explicitly, but actually means something entirely different, if not even contradictory.

Not to be confused with "Literal," the logical meaning of words used by men.

Man: You ok? You're being weird.
Woman: I dunno, I'm fine, it's nothing. Promise.
(slightly later)

Woman: "I don't care."
Cliteral meaning: A phrase only said at the point in which a woman actually cares the most about said contextual topic.

by Eeeeen. January 16, 2010

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Like literally but slutty

She had her pussy pants on and I cliterally couldn't even

by Katja October 6, 2015

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the combination of the words 'clearly' and 'literally'

For people who misuse the word literally, like "I literally just died."

Cliterally I'm awesome!

by NR.RISE March 28, 2010

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when guys wanna be girls

"omg did you hear johnny got cliterization done?"

by susjajhsjajxjak May 1, 2022

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A name made for a Hermaphrodite meaning they have a clit and a peter

Bob: I have a cliter
Joe: a what

Bob: I am a hermaphrodite and I have a clit and peter

by Deidre May 27, 2017

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characterized by a concern mainly with women. Like being literal, but in a more sexual manner.

I wanted to have sex with her so bad, I cliterally told her exactly that.

by scootybooty September 22, 2009

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