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1. To interfere with a man's attempts to seduce a woman.

2. abbr. Cockblocker(n.)

I was putting the move on this chick and Ralph showed up and cockblocked me.

by Anonymous February 7, 2003

751๐Ÿ‘ 351๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you're hanging out with a girl, and one of your friends tries their hardest to split you and the girl up as a joke. This makes your friend a cockblock.

Clayton: Hey so do you maybe wanna-
*The girl Clayton is talking to leaves.

Clayton: Thanks cockblock.

by Benqueedo Man October 22, 2016


1.The act of obstructing one person's advances towards another.
2.A situation that obstructs; an obstacle
3.An act of ill etiquette in which a male is speaking to one female in a group of females, and the alpha female creates a disruptive environment.

She is cockblocking you bro.

by The GIMP September 24, 2003

1375๐Ÿ‘ 671๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who interferes with one's sexual intentions with another person

Randy was a cockblock because he told Jaime that this guy she knew was just using her for sex.

by Bob Mastuff October 13, 2003

953๐Ÿ‘ 460๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you are attempting to get close to a girl and your buddy won't leave the room or starts telling less than flattering stories of you that cause you to lose an opportunity with your new female acquaintance.

Sara was sitting on the couch in the living room, Eric had been talking with her all evening, the party was over, Eric was attempting to get close to Sara but David wouldn't leave the living room even though he kept nodding off.

by Eric December 8, 2004

271๐Ÿ‘ 122๐Ÿ‘Ž


prevents pussy for others

bill is a cock blocker

by non-cock-blocker August 19, 2003

535๐Ÿ‘ 261๐Ÿ‘Ž


The male definition of cockblocker is to sabatoge another guys chance of scoring with a chick. This concept was foreign to me until going out on occasion with my college roommates friends.

While one guy was is the bathroom, another guy would tell whatever girl was there things like... its a shame he has been unemployed for 3 years..... rough deal with that restraining order.... he doesn't pay his child support for his 4 kids........he is changing his colostomy bag...it wasn't his fault he caught herpes..... Stuff to that effect.. The girls wouldn't say anything when the guy comes out of the bathroom, the guy of course doesn't score.. then they never even tell the guy that was in the bathroom what they said to the girls.....

Shit is reprehensible..

Steve was a cockblocker when he told the bartender Paul was out on parole when he was in the shitter

by teabag September 12, 2007

78๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž