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bank collection

A folder (usually hidden or disguised under a misleading name) of photos or videos for laterโ€ฆ typically used for masturbation purposes

โ€œYou want me to send my bank collection over? The shit gets me off without even fucking tryingโ€

by Yallknowwhatimsayin September 19, 2021

64๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canyon Collective

A cult masquerading as a canyoneering forum.

Needless to say, most of the cult members have been brainwashed into believing things that are not true, and tricked into doing things that greatly restrict their personal freedom. In spite of this, Canyon Collective cult members seem to find great fulfillment in limiting what they can say or do.

Free Thinker: "Hey man, how was canyoneering last weekend?"

Cult Member: "I'm not allowed to say."

Free Thinker: "Uh... OK. Did you post any pictures of your trip on FaceBook?"

Cult Member: "The Leader of the Canyon Collective said nobody should do that."

Free Thinker: "That is strange. Why not?"

Cult Member: "The Leader said that sharing photos will lure thousands to His precious canyons. The unwashed masses are not worthy of entry. They would unquestionably destroy His canyons."

Free Thinker: "I don't think that is true. Most canyons stay the same year after year regardless of traffic."

Cult Member: "The Leader might view you as evil. He might tell me not to be friends with you."

Free Thinker: "Dude, that is messed up! Well... can you take me through the canyons that you just did?"

Cult Member: "Yes, of course! Obviously!! However, you must never tell anyone about them. Plus anyone that you take through has to swear to only show those canyons and never tell anyone about them."

Free Thinker: "But then you will have to monitor what I do with the route information until the end of time... and I in turn will have to monitor what my friends do with the route information. That sounds like a lot of needless drama."

Cult Member: "Whatever The Leader says is the best way. The only way. I love The Leader. I will obey."

Free Thinker: "Fuck that! I'll just figure out where you went, then enjoy my adventure like a normal person. See ya around, nutjob!"

by OMG BootboyLostAnotherGerbil?? April 6, 2019

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collection couch

An old worn out couch, usually a hand-me-down with stains and tears that is essential in any bachelor pad and usually hosts random girls, skanks and strays.

Yo Benny, did you see what kind of trash is waiting for you on the collection couch this time?

by El el fetches April 19, 2010

82๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Calm and collected

To be chilled and ready for the world and life

I like to stay calm and collected when I'm handling situations

by Savy my nigga July 6, 2018

41๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

fart collective

When a group of highly flatulent people dedicate themselves to emitting the most repugnant fart cloud humanly possible.

Members of the fart collective were recently found dining at Mar-A-Lago on black beans, anchovies and Brussels sprouts, patiently awaiting the arrival of the Guest of Honor.

by Dr Bunnygirl January 6, 2019

Animal Collective

the most hella band out there. when you listen to them, you'll be like damn, hell yeah damn, hell yeah damn, hell yeah damn, hell yeah

hella guy 1: "have you heard the new animal collective album that was released in 2013?"
hella guy 2: "no?"
hella guy 1: "oh right because it doesnt exist hahahahah
hella guy 2:" -_- can you like stop"

by automine January 3, 2014

39๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

bank collection

Pictures and videos for "later" use

Oh ya I know her, she is in my bank collection.

by DJDorcFich0423 September 21, 2021

21๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž