here’s a good one :
Person 1 : Shut Up
You : I don’t shut up, I grow up. And when i look at you, i throw up
Crowd : Oooooo! Good Comeback
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a slang word used to describe good pussy. (the pussy that always stays wet even after fucking for a long time).
Nigga #1: Man, why Eric so sprung man? He don't ever be with his boys no more.
Nigga #2: They said he be caked up with Shanita. They said he said she got that comeback.
Nigga #1: Oh...dat's what's good my niggie. You gotta git in where ya fit in, feel me?
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Something what one direction won't
A: do you think 1D will have a comeback
B: yeah in 18 months
A: it's been 45 months now
B: that's the point, they zaying us :)
A: *cries in payne*
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when somebody roasts you, but you absolutely fucking demolish them with a word or statement.
Rob: haha i smashed your moms pussy last night
you: And she told me what a small cock you have
yo did u see ryans new comebacks
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I felt like making a snappy comeback, but I knew that it would do no good.
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If something is winnable even when it seems lost, the ability to win with a comeback
Invented by Doublelift
Doublelift: “Don’t surrender, this game is comebackable” *gets killed* “Nevermind, this game isn’t comebckable, we should surrender”
When you say an awesome comeback and the other person replies with an even awesomer response and you feel like a dick head.
I was having the best day the other day until Gary comebacked me