Source Code

don't come for me

Reconsider bringing any issues concerning me to light. Such issues include: shortcomings, false accusations, wise cracks, jokes, etc. Meaning there is a time and place for this and current company is not it.

Employee: What's going on?
Co-worker (in the middle of a meeting): If you were on time you would know.
Employee: Don't come for me.

by imthenewclassic October 2, 2017

76๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Come at me sideways

Someone who assumes you did something you did not. When someone pops off at you without proof.

Larisa cussed me out for something I did not do. I told her to not come at me sideways.

by Yeerrrrddd January 22, 2021

31๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

dont come at me, but...

something you say when u know you about to say something controversial and people are gonna get triggered (doesn't work that well)

Hater: dont come at me, but... tom holland aint that cute
tom holland superfan: *punches Hater*

by random user tee hee March 8, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Come serve me

The act of coming to a person to sell them their drug of choice

Aye pull up and come serve me and my dawg!

by MercyMe23 June 8, 2018


A phrase popularized by Ronnie from MTV's latest train wreck of a reality show, Jersey Shore.

Guy: (Begins taunting Ronnie)
Ronnie: Come at me bro!
Guy: (more taunting)
Ronnie: No dude, you come at me bro. Hold your girl back and come at me bro!
Guy: (even more taunting)
(Conversation repeats consecutively for the next 5 minutes)
(a fight eventually erupts on the boardwalk)

by AmericaFTW February 10, 2010

1668๐Ÿ‘ 627๐Ÿ‘Ž

Come at me Burro

The challenge issued when one donkey wishes to fight another donkey either for honour or kicks.
First identified by JMcD, who has an affinity with Asses.

Donkey 1: "dude, your mums got a great ass"
Donkey 2: "oh yeah? Come at me Burro ...."

by EmpressMe January 8, 2014

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A slang term generally used by a confident man of "action" towards some punk ass frontin' bitch, as a direct way of callin their sorry ass out with an invitation to prove their mettle and step up, or GTFO.

It usually follows a heated exchange of verbal insults and/or threats, but can also be instigated by other means (e.g: girlfriend being eyeballed, etc.). Those that use this slang term adhere to the codes of "walking the walk, not just talking the talk", as well as "speak softly and carry a big stick". They generally don't go looking for trouble, but will deal with it without any hesitation or fear.

Hotheaded jerk: I don't like your face, and I'm a be like Dairy Queen and treat yo' hoodrat girlfriend right ALLLLLL NITE! HAHAHA! Damn son, and you just gonna be soft serve! LMAO!"

Icecold: Come at me bro.

*Hotheaded jerk lunges forward*

*Icecold drops Hotheaded jerk with 1 punch to the throat*


Bystander: Hey y'all, let's go get sum Dairy Queen!

Icecold: Aight.

by Detroit WHAT? December 8, 2011

394๐Ÿ‘ 344๐Ÿ‘Ž