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Cave Connector

A Bi Female who has been deeply penetrated by a male character and then has lesbian intercourse with another female who also has been deeply penetrated before lesbian intercourse

-Hey, bro did you hear that Jenny is single now?
-Ya man I know, but word on the street is that she’s a huuugeee cave connector though.

by Don’t worry about it (; January 6, 2019

Da connector

The connection from the shaft to the scrotum.

Yeah girl suck that dick until you get to da connector.

by Jojoluv12 May 10, 2018

willie connector

The part between a man's balls and butt.

She got crazy last night and hit my willie connector.

by Swooos November 29, 2016

hector connector

a large unibrow, that is very unsightly.

WHOAH! look at his hector connector!

by maaaa! May 22, 2008

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cadbury connector

Act of lining up anus with open vagina and pooping directly into it.

When the basic cleavland steamer became passe' we decided to try out the much more physically demanding cadbury connector.

by yojomama June 1, 2009

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connector wad

When putting up christmas lights and all cords amass in one outlet to form one huge bundle of plugs and outlets.

Clark Griswold: Hey Eddie, hand me the connector wad so i can turn night into day man with all the Christmas lights!
Eddie: Sounds good Clark, I'll get the kids!

by Brian V. Harris November 30, 2007

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Hector Connectors

Eyebrows that connect together to create a singular eyebrow. Also called Unibrow and Monobrow.

Person 1: Hey fred, check out that guy's hector connectors!

by Cordelia Forest February 24, 2008

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