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course correct

To correct something along the way โ€“ as in contrary to stopping in order to make something work better. As a process is happening, you would realize improvements are needed so you would make improvement during the process without restarting from the beginning.

Don't be such a perfectionist and stop procrastinating. Start building and course correct as you learn along the way.

by Parbod October 30, 2017

44๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

political correctness

What people with no locigal counter argument often accuse people of.
What has replaced Red Baiting since the Berlin Wall fell.

A Political Sucker Punch that some conservatives used to attack and Liberals without offering any proof of the countrary.

political correctness is the slackers way to attack or discredit someone's opinion. If you are accused of political Correctness, there is a good chance that the Accuser has no lagitimit counter arguement

by ???^_^???? September 24, 2007

592๐Ÿ‘ 4439๐Ÿ‘Ž

auto correct

The grammar troll that lives in your iPhone messaging app and converts your ordinary, well-meaning words into unintentional and embarrassing ones when you're not looking.

Tim: Did you order a penis?
Steve: lolwhat?
Tim: PIZZA. Damn auto cucumber!
Steve: ??
Tim: Auto CORRECT!

by franchise88 November 13, 2011

166๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

political correctness

Being a decent human being, and considering what you say to others, not saying derogatory terms and/or phrases.

Jeb: Explain Political Correctness to me.
Me: Think of a racial slur and never say it again.
Jeb: Oh.

by Your Good Friend March 6, 2016

584๐Ÿ‘ 4448๐Ÿ‘Ž

Conservative Correctness

Contrary to popular conservative belief, political correctness is not a solely left-wing phenomenon.

Examples of conservative correctness:

frankfurters became "hot dogs" during world war I

french fries became freedom fries in 2003

David Horowitz's "Academic Bill of Rights"

attempts to "teach the controversy" by creationists in biology courses, and global warming deniers in environmental science courses

Any number of campaigns against plays or films, such as Life of Brian or Jesus Christ Superstar, on the grounds that they are "offensive to Christians;" conservative Catholic groups are particularly fond of this tactic

Encouragement of anti-gay activists to eschew the words "gay" and "homosexual" in favor of such phrases as "unnatural vice" and "anti-Christian"

Global warming deniers whining about being called "deniers." They prefer the term "skeptic."

"Enhanced interrogation techniques"

"Homicide bombing"

Atheist billboards are seen as insensitive to Christians.

Republicans changing the names of committees in the House of Representatives to change "labor" to "workforce" and remove any mention of "civil rights"

Free speech zones

The Dixie Chicks causing controversy by criticizing George Bush

ward churchill getting blasted to high heavens for insulting innocent americans (although this was definitely justified)

The whole fox news "war on christmas" nonsense

Conservatives are just as PC as liberals!

by Submitters of Words June 10, 2011

93๐Ÿ‘ 1771๐Ÿ‘Ž

market correction

A business term used to describe how a free-market economy balances itself after extreme events run their course like a rising stocks after a recession or the real estate bubble burst. The word crossed over into everyday use to similarly describe when one's fortune or luck changes, for bad or good, changing the course of daily life.

Bob: Last summer I was was nailing babes left and right. Now that I'm back at college...nothing!

Pete: Ah, well, you're not that attractive or interesting. You just had a lucky streak. You were due for a market correction. Consider yourself forntunate if any girl even talks to you, bro!

Pete: I was just promoted at work! I've been wasting my talents there for WEEKS, but the VP just quit and they promoted me to replace him. Guess I was due for a market correction, huh? How's the girl situation, Bob?

Bob: I hate you.

by Tenacious Faulker August 20, 2009

47๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Correction Errection

When aroused by the correction of grammar and or spelling.

Guy: 'Hey, waht's up?'
Girl: 'what's*'
Guy: 'mmm..'
Girl: 'What?'
Guy: 'You gave me a correction errection'

by TheMexicanOrphan September 12, 2010