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the process of livin' your life to the fullest (similar to, but better than, YOLO)

"Man, I didn't prepare for this graded class discussion, guess I'll just danger-it!"

"As Ann and I rode our tandem up the hill we saw that there was no safe way for us to stop the bike once we got to full speed, but we dangered-it and pedaled at the speed of light."


"Yeah I'm in a roller blade gang, we danger-it all the time."

by Danger-it May 7, 2013

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1. Extremely able or likely to cause harm or injury.

2. Extremely likely to cause problems or to have adverse consequences.

Driving on an icy road with tires with low tred is dangerful.

by Hallowlujah June 22, 2017

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A word that Steve Irwin says a whole lot when he's dealing with crocodiles.

You should never mess with a big saltie, they bite quick. Danger danger danger! Too right! Watch out, he's a grumpy one!

by Jorje Boosh March 28, 2004

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The danger

Walter White

"I am the danger" - Walter White

by Dadle1 April 6, 2021


When you go out for one drink with a particular friend with extreme energy and excitability...but come home four days later, ruined.

You know when you've been dangered.

by Danger5885 May 12, 2011

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The Dangers

"The Dangers" describes a medical condition in which your penis is two dimensional.

As Tim slid his 2 D.D into Becca's Lock. Becca realised that tim had "The Dangers."

by Im a MADCAD November 27, 2018

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Being full of, or being able to control danger.

I am quite dangerful.

by John April 12, 2004

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