Modern-day dhulbahante are darawiish off-spring
he's darawiish offspring
jamaahiir darawiish refers to the SSC-Khatumo community
they're the jamaahiir darawiish
Darawiish faith refers to a firm conviction that SSC-Khatumo state institutions will come to fruition
they showed their darawiish faith
a darawiish monarch is whoever heads the dhulbahante clan
she's a darawiish monarch
The darawiish flag is any of the assortment of flags used by the dhulbahante community, i.e. NSUM, Khaatumo etc.
thats a darawiish flag
darawiish patriotism refers to devotion to any form of the SSC-Khatumo state
he depicted his darawiish patriotism