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Biggest Dick in the Box

Man who believes and acts like he has the largest penis in a geographic area, and therefore, feels he rules over other men by size and can claim all the pussies in that area. Area can be defined as something as small as a party, niteclub, campus or town or larger geographic area over which the Biggest Dick in the Box feels he can preside.

One dude to Another in a Club: Who is that flypaper with all the coochies stuck to him

Another: He thinks he's the Biggest Dick in the Box

Dude: Well either he's epic or he's fronting

Another: Either way, he's got coochie action and we don't

by sarasplayroom.com August 20, 2009

61๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

dick in a box comeback

The opposite of "jumping the shark." This is an event that takes someone who is already over the hill and makes them cool again. Prior to his SnL appearance, Justin Timberlake was deemed uncool; after the DIAB skit, he regained some cred. Captain Kirk pulled a dick in a box comeback by doing the commercials for Price Line.

"Tom Cruise *almost* pulled off a dick in a box comeback in that last sequence of tropic thunder."

by Chuco the driver May 17, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

hottest dick in the box

The penis which is predominant, glowing, throbbing, and more prominent than all others, capable of great action, and almost supernatural feats.


At tomorrow's budget presentation, you gotta be the hottest dick in the box.

Oh, he dances so well, he thinks he's the hottest dick in the box.

Chocolate covered cherries are the hottest dick in the box.

by Kfed69 July 30, 2014

Its My Dick In a Box

A box containing a Dick often used a joke for birthdays

happy birthday to you jack black and your present is,wait for it, its my dick in a box

by POKEballs December 29, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick in a popcorn box

Wen ur at the movies or at u house watchon a movie u cut a hole in the bottom of the popcorn box so wen go girl go 2 grab popcorn she grabs yo junk

Last nite I tricked my girl while watching friday by making a dick in a popcorn box

by Tyr0n3555 February 22, 2010

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dick box

A term to describe a female sexual partner.

"Meet my new dick box..."

by Sionide December 18, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

ignorant dick box

Definition 1. a name designated for those who put bumper stickers on their car which state, "Your God is dead? Try Mine. Hes Alive"

Definition 2. A person who puts overly religious bumper stickers on their car.

Look at that ignorant dick box!!!!

by R!J September 3, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž