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silly ubern dictonary

ubern dictonary is so stupid so i write this

ubern dictonary:am i silly
poeple:silly ubern dictonary

by tedisbad June 16, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

why is urban dictonary a joke

its a joke pepole use it for memes USE UR KNOWLEGE

why is urban dictonary a joke
person 2:idk

by Seanbeepbot April 20, 2022

Urban dictonary is good man

they didnt get rid of my dont ban defintion

Urban dictonary is good man

by PopcornMcgee December 9, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Thing that describes word like this one

I will go to urban dictonary to find some defenitons

by superboy420 weedboy wet pussy December 8, 2016


it gives you the definition of every word you want to know.

i will use my dictonary to look up a word.

by December 28, 2021

Anybody can Put Anything on Urban Dictonary


Waddup guys i identify as Anybody can Put Anything on Urban Dictonary

by BigDeekMans6969 March 12, 2021

Urban dictonary is down

Urban dictonary is so down its not showing the like and dislike buttons an

urban dictonary is down

by CR7andmessiisGOAT November 28, 2023