Shilling for billionaires so a retard can pretend to be what I am.
Hym "And the thing YOU'RE doing is what, exactly? Now... Take your first response. Look at the response. You just made up a work of fiction. You know and I know that the thought that just popped in your head just now isn't reality. And that is where you want the people around you to live. In un-reality. That is the problem with you. You're shit."
And I will murder your kids if you don't give me what I'm owed.
Hym "You choosing to do what you're doing isn't me being the problem. And if people keep murdering your kids, maybe YOU are all the problem. My kids haven't gotten murdered. So, I must be doing something right. I'm not the problem. Doing push-ups hasn't made you any better than you are. You and the fat slob YouTuber ARE THE SAME THING. You're not better than me. They just aren't doing to you what they are doing to me."