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Defending someone's racist/sexist/xenophobic comments by without admitting that the person is racist.

Person 1: "Yeah he said, 'All Niggers should be imprisoned,' but he's just talking about the ones who steal and murder, not the nice black people.
Person 2: "Man, you're just Donalding"

by OldManDankins November 28, 2015


When you've been told a story that's been significantly boosted. Often the lies are outrageous, unrealistic and unnecessary.

"Jeff just claimed the coach said he'd be starting this year even though he still can't catch a ball"
"Bro u just got Donalded"

by Cl0utl0rd September 16, 2017


"The Man" One who always puts others first.
Kind,Gentle,Loving,Caring. Will do almost anything you ask. Wants to be a real pleaser, great lover and a friend. A man without a plan.
My husband.

Donald who cancels plans just to spend quality one on one time with his wife.

by jmarieb February 5, 2010

860πŸ‘ 843πŸ‘Ž


Has really fierce dance moves, is better than everyone at everything, has great fashion sense, will rule the world one day.

Whats your specialty? I'm a Donald, everything I do is my specialty.

by Berfsurferticket February 5, 2010

560πŸ‘ 554πŸ‘Ž


Handsome, Charming and Gentleman. He is also caring and humourous. Donald is often funny, but his jokes maybe too far sometimes in a racist way or another.

Dont joke like Donald
Your such a Donald

by jesslyn2399 January 3, 2018

27πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Donald is a awesome boyfriend/Friend he is always kind :3 I loveeeeee him >:3 Hes super handsome and very trustworthy and he always will make you laugh ;))

β€œDonald is awesome!”

by Donald’s girlfriend ;) October 21, 2019

17πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A donald is someone is super smart and will not take no for an answer. He's smart, kind, and a good person. They are usually rich and have a big mouth but are deffinalty not afraid to use it especially against his rivals.

I vote for Donald for prom king

by WizardGirl March 9, 2019

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž