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Doylestown is a small town in PA. Its true that most people who live here are rich, but not everyone is. Yes you can find a drug dealer on some corners and maybe the kids go out and get drunk a lot, but kids do that in a lot of towns. Doylestown gets a bad rep because some douchebags have to go out, play ghetto, and try to be cool even though there just rich white kids. Sure, its true my parents gave me a car for my 16th birthday, and maybe it was a BMW, but that doesnt mean im a bad person or live in an awful town. Doylestown is a great place, its has lots of shops, is a very caring community with lots of nice people, and is the hub for the 2nd best school district in PA. Lots of people may be rich but that happens when a community is surrounded by the summer estates of rich New Yorkers. Doylestown is a great place, and its has its problems like and other town its size.

Doylestown is a lovely place to live if you can afford the expense

by cblacrosse66 August 5, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Um, we do have the best public schools actually. And this town IS a really good place to grow up in. Nobody can deny that. It's a nice, plesant place... everybody knows everybody, people are cool and friendly, and we have an awesome town area to hang out in, walk around, and shop. (with exceptionally good shops --for ex: BCDG, Chealsea, Something Else, Shop 65, If The Shoe Fits, The Gap, Starbucks, D-Town Bookstore, Nuts Plus, Philly Pretzles, Bagel Barrel, Steak and Hogie, Nat's, Quizno's, and much much more. )

ps.. not everybody is rich around here.. we do have upperclass, middleclass, and lowerclass -- a full range of wealthyness.

So, if your anit-Doylestown.... have you ever even been here to see what its like? Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass to sound funny?

D-Town is sweeeeet place to live. So don't sterio-type it!

by I Live In D-Town March 10, 2005

33๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


From an adult's perspective, Dtown is a great place to live, work, hang-out. Nice restaurants, nice parks, nice shops, nice homes, nice people! The teens are great, the school's have a lot going for them. Most teens I know do a lot of volunteer work in the community and are proud of it. I'm glad to know many great, self-less, educated and well-rounded teens in this community. This is something Dtown can be proud of!

Doylestown, home of the "nice" people.

by lulu4 August 28, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Doylestown is a good place, doylestown lot of prep fags. Yeah, fuck them. But over all pretty fun. Not everyone is a dumb shit who gets drunk all the time. There are a lot of spoiled brat prep fucks, but fuck those kids. Town is fun, alot of stuff happens and it can be fun. Exspect to be harrased by the cop Lingo.

in doylestown u hear this: Lingo: uhhhhh move along

People: fuck u lingo

by laldhahhd February 7, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Doylestown, the town of rich, white idiots with nothing better to do. Quite possibly the most boring, sheltered place in the USA, it's filled with cocky white morons who find pleasure in eating at the same damn places time and time again, going to the same movie theaters and hanging out at the same places. In other words, it's a town filled with kids too rich for their own good who totally abuse this privelege.
Druggies, rich kids, and wiggers. Welcome to Doylestown.

"Mommy, my iPod broke!"
"That's okay, we'll go pick one up after grocery shopping."

Welcome to Doylestown.

by SirSintastic July 6, 2006

32๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


kiki, wtf are you talking about, "new money" "uneducated mothers".. you are full of shit.

im kiki and i have a stick up my ass.

by Doylestownian March 7, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


doylestown is the place where high school rilvary is at its best... East and West football games are violent. And you hate the other school even if its right down the road from you. East is the rich snobs while west is the pot heads... while in reality they both have the same thing! we all hang in parking lots til the cops kick us out because theres nothing better to do. And everyone is so freakin rich.. but if you think about it you wouldnt change it for the world, you love your rich life

where do you go?
ewww pot head

by dtownjunkie March 23, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž