Source Code

Duct tape

Used to bind a person's hands and feet together
Used to tape a person's mouth closed

If you don't shut up and sit still, I'll get the duct tape and tie you up and gag you.

by barefootlover March 29, 2015

Duct Tape

The solution to every problem.

If it isn’t working, you aren’t using enough duct tape. And if the duct tape isn’t working, YOU AREN’T. USING. ENOUGH. DUCT TAPE.

by Lug1a October 11, 2019

Duct Tape

A brand of tape which is useful for just about anything. Many people use it to reattach broken pieces of their car after an accident. Other people construct expensive items such as wallets, or (if you're like me) shoes, out of Duct Tape to avoid wasting huge amounts of money on the real thing.

Silver Duct Tape is classic, but red and blue are only slightly less awesome.

Duct Tape shoes look far sexier than Nike Shocks or Asics.

by J. Arnier March 19, 2007

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Duct Tape

The greastest thing on this planet. Primarily used to repair things. Although many people (like myself) have used duct tape for more crafty purposes, such as making Duct Tape Jackets, and Duct Tape Wallets.

Dude, who's that freak with the duct tape jacket on in the middle of Winter?

by Cptn. John Pineapple September 9, 2004

63πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

duct tape

(a.)Only one of the coolest things ever. If you ever meet the man who made duct tape you should marry him (unless you're a guy or he and/or you are married).

(b.)A nice little money maker. People will actually buy stuff made out of it, i.e. wallets, roses, cell phone cases etc. Of course if I had no skill in making it, I would too.

(a.)girl-"Hey, did you ever figure out the guy who made that cool stuff they call duct tape?" guy-"Yea, I think I'm gonna propose today!" girl-"Hey, aren't you married...and a guy?" guy-"Dangit!"

(b.)I just made 20 dollars when I sold this stuff I made out of tape, but not any tape, duct tape!

by sara February 20, 2005

262πŸ‘ 150πŸ‘Ž


Term used to describe how people in the streets utilize duct tape to wrap excess amounts of ammunition.

I'm in your mama crib waiting, duct-taping

by $ward May 22, 2008

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

duct tape

(n.) The end-all solution to all your problems.

(v.) To solve a problem, to patch up.

Got an asshole who won't shut his mouth? Tape his mouth shut with some duct tape!
Got embarassing back hair? Use the adhesive power of duct tape to rip out the unsightly growths and hair follicles!
Got an annoying roommate who sexiles you? Tie his arms and legs up with duct tape then duct tape his dick to the wall for everyone to see!
Wanna sit on a sofa on top of your car and steer using a broom through the moonroof? Duct tape it to the car!
Got mold on your cheese? Use duct tape to remove it!
Sofa got torn up? Use duct tape to mend it!

I duct taped my life. Everything is all better now. I've mended my ways!

by Insufficient Postage May 6, 2006

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