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You, you're an eboy

He's such an eboy

by yesoryes January 31, 2019

8πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


ginger baseball players who paint their nails black.

ur an eboyy

by shamalama moo moo March 13, 2019

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Some moron who has a bit sack & jerks off into cups then drinks it for views on tik tok, pair this with their fag sense of style & you’ve got what the liberals like to call an abortion.

Sally: that guy on tiktok is soooooΓΆΕ“ cute 😍
Mary: oh well uh that same guy drank his piss & shit in one video, still think he’s hot?
Sally: ugh! Eboys are such jerks 🀬

by PinkEyeGame August 9, 2019

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


The reason why mass shooters and terrorists exist.

Also online gamers who look for sluts over the Internet . They have no life therefore they yearn for the attention of girls to make up for the loss of attention from their mothers . Also know as thirst lowlifes.

Person 1: Did you hear about the insert place shooting?

Person 2: Yeah, people these days are realisng how much degenerages the world is filled with. Eboys, egirls, emos, trannies, goths. For fuck sake..it just never ends.

by Black Asterix February 18, 2020

3πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Often seeking the attention of eGirls they born and raised on Twitter where they gain exponential amounts of attention from eGirls, and still complain about being lonely only to get with eGirls and get nudes. Often good looking and a FuckBoy, but only online.

Yo where does K3v1n keeps getting all these nudes from"
all the eGirls, did he not tell you he's an eBoy?

by LordFinnese November 20, 2016

530πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž


The "outcast" fuckboy

Travis posted another TikTok of himself showing off his edgy clothes and chains to get girls to have sex with him. He's such an eboy now. I miss the old Travis; the guy who tried to get girls' to have sex with him but still wore normal clothes, like the rest of us.

by jeepsicles May 14, 2019

71πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


NOT the Commentary Crew. The budget edition of Sidemen composed of twenty-something-year-old British commentary YouTubers WillNE, ImAllexx, Memeulous, and James Marriott, who all have in common their affinity for bullying children on the internet.

Person 1: β€œHey, man, did you see the Eboys’ newest video?”

Person 2: β€œNah, mate, they’re rubbish, but the Sidemen just uploaded...”

by LizaIsntCool July 20, 2020

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž