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New Economy

1. An imaginary economic system that will magically replace millions of jobs lost to outsourcing, downsizing and low-wage overseas competition.

2. A feel-good term used by politicians to distract attention from their own immense policy failures.

3. Something that's always "just around the corner" if we only "do the right things."

Michigan's governor said we must prepare for the New Economy by turning 400,000 unemployed auto workers into video game programmers and pastry chefs. That's the ticket!

by Peter Kobs May 3, 2010

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Economy Lube

An Ontario quick lube and oil chain that has been known to scam unsuspecting drivers. It may offer a 10-minute oil change for $20, but upsell you with stuff you don't need. CBC program Marketplace nailed those skeezebags putting in oil and other fluids that could wreck your car, or not doing the job you paid them to do. Beware.

Want to wreck your new car? Take it to Economy Lube.

My brother is so dumb that he drove his truck to Economy Lube for an oil change. The grease monkeys who obviously got kicked out of a sketchy trade school put in the wrong fluids - and, now, my brother has to pay $4,000 for a new engine. Moron!

by The Real Canadian July 22, 2015

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Obama Economy

A near static state in the economy, where a so-called "recovery" consists of increasing numbers of people on food stamps, continued high unemployment, more poverty families, jobless millennials, and increasing of all welfare benefits. The very rich grow richer (especially if they are liberal bureaucrats, Wall Street, heads of solar companies, or Hollywood), the poor grow poorer, and the middle class shrinks. The economic problems were then all blamed on Republicans, though they were a minority and actually held little to no power during most of this time. This lasted from 2009 through Obama's two terms.

See also Obamanomics.

My work hours got reduced and health insurance premiums went up thanks to Obamacare, so I have less money to spend on everything else. This is the Obama Economy.

by justagirrrl January 31, 2014

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bad economy

An all-purpose excuse that people use during a recession to justify doing things that are below their usual standard. Often these things in reality have little or nothing to do with the economic circumstances.

Harry: "You took your girlfriend to Applebee's on Valentine's Day? Pretty weak."
Larry: "Whatever man, I didn't have a choice. Bad economy."

Senator: "Mr. Paulson, you really want to give the greedy, soulless bankers who caused this mess $700 billion with no strings attached?"
Henry Paulson: "Hey guys, bad economy. Just do it."
Senator: "Good point. I vote yes."

Fred: "Dude, tell me you didn't go home with that broke down 300-pound whale I saw you with at O'Shea's last night."
Brendan: "Dude, it's a bad economy. I'll take what I can get."
Fred: "Yeah, I guess you have to."

by Nicholas D March 15, 2009

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Wook Economy

A market place and individual vendors that follow around large music festivals or jam band tours. These individuals sell items, such as t-shirts, food, beer, and souvenirs to concert goers to support themselves while they travel around to various shows. It is not uncommon to sell illegal items, such as Ketamine or Molly, at these shows. Generally these individuals can be defined as wooks due to their unkempt appearances.

I was a a GIANT EDM music festival and instead of buying a Tame Impala T-Shirt at a licensed vendor, I bought one from some wook in the parking lot. I supported the wook economy!!

by Senor Dank Nugs September 15, 2021

gig economy

An economy in which incidental or short-term employment is widespread.

The US economy is becoming a gig economy as more and more people are taking jobs with companies like Uber. It has been estimated that by 2020, forty percent of the workers in the US will be working gig jobs.

by professor too January 30, 2017

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economy mom

moms that LOVE to start drama & talk shit to each other. have a high paying job so their kids think they’re rich & the shit. they hate everyone that doesn’t have an economy kid.

omg marissa, your mom is such an economy mom.

by dyslexis February 16, 2018