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emo wannabe

one of those little puny fools who have geeky friends, and they see all the cool emo kids and think i am gonna be like that so they go out and they get some blond hair dye and a fridge cut in because there mum wouldn't allow any black, so they look like a total trendy boy. they then proceed to buy some baggy black trousers that look like school jeans. once they get used to wearing black they follow there friends who are emos and get some skin tight drain pipes so that they look like little ass holes. they also say that they listen to all the emocore music but when you look at there iPod all there is is weird music like Frankie goes to Hollywood and that shitty zombie nation song. these little wannabes get on everyones nerves as they think they are the real deal but everyone nos that they are little wannabes that order child like t-shirts that look like the cool ones the emos wear and they get gay bright color hoodies HEY GUESS WHAT EMOS LIKE BLACK do some research.
GAHHH they make me so angry

emo: hey have you heard sonny more left form first to last?

emo wannabe: errrr who?

emo: you no the lead sinmger of FFTL?

emo wannabe: oh yeah i forgot
emo wannabe: check out my yellow hoodie

emo: dude i like black

emo wannabe: mummy i got the wrong thing.

by George Hurdle May 17, 2007

22👍 43👎

wannabe emo

the dickheads who give real emos a bad name by either forcing themselves to listen to to emo bands they don't even like or listening to crap bands they THINK are emo. Also fake depression+ have bad hair.
Wannabe emo boys look all pathetic and have gelled-down-to-look-longer hair. Wannabe emo girls are usually really fat, will wear heartagram or Emily The Strange shit and have REALLY, REALLY long black or brown hair.
Wannabe emo kids wear: crap jeans, button-down tops which look more like school shirts than anything, crappy band tees, Heartagram tees, fake Converse, plain black shoes/trainers, plain black glasses, Emily The Strange, etc.
Alot of them also say they're bi/gay when they're NOT.
Wemo hobbies: writing 'sad' poetry, listening to 'depressing' music, self-harming, sitting in corners, crying, writing 'sad' diary entries (eg: Dear diary, today was a very regular, boring day, but because I fake depression, I'm going to say it was terrible and everything went wrong. Gotta go and self harm, bye, you're the only one who understands<3)
Wannabe emo must-haves: Emily The Strange tee, crap hair, plain black shoes/trainers, razorblades, fake blood, horn-rimmed glasses, black/grey straight-leg jeans, shitty band tees and anti-depressants. Oh yes, and the diary to write poetry and 'depressing' entries in.

Mum/Dad: Hey, kid, how was school today?

by t_rawr March 27, 2009

45👍 12👎

Wannabe Emo

Preppy sluts attempting to be "scene."

Holy shits liek did u c the new fall out boiz video on trl/?? pete wentz was so fien, im liek such a wannabe emo, brb eye gotta go crie

by MOJ+IO January 29, 2006

143👍 62👎

wannabe emo

a wannabe emo is most definntly someone who cuts themselves and says "i bleed for you but my world is black". wanna be emos listen to the used, green day, my chemical romance, from first to last, and hawthorne heights and think they can get away with it. they will walk around in their new emily the strange shirt and go "i wish i had more friends". wanna be emo girls usually have long brown or black hair and they are hippos or they are very ugly. they think wearing heartogram clothing is emo. cutting yourself is not emo and nor is sitting in the corner and crying over nothing, your lifes probably better than a celbrity. they will usually get all their hair chopped of and wear pretty little bows in them. wanna be emo boys, well i never met one of them. the nightmare before christmas isnt emo nor those freakily cartoons. most of them get thier inspiration from adam and andrews "Emo kid" song. none of that is emo. if you smear your eyeliner and take 798549875978 pictures of it and show your cutmarks your a poser. they usualyy have screen names like "wItHiN i BlEeD a PuDdLE Of ReD" or "HiDdEn CriEs WiThIn". i could say more but i think i layed down the law :)

BlEeDmYsOuL12:my life sucks so bad my mom wouldnt let me buy mcrs new cd so i cut myself.

Amnesitynclarity: oh, your such a wannabe emo

BlEeDmYsOuL12: no im not your jealous, im going to cut my arms and watch the blood come down. then im going to cry within and never let out my fellings god why dosent anyone like me

by SandraAAAAA February 7, 2007

115👍 49👎

wannabe emo kid/trendy

Girls: Pose for pictures to put on their myspace account, downloads one Taking Back Sunday song and classes themselves as emo, their MSN names overcrowded with X's and dashes, eg: "xxSlitWristTheoryxx." Put stars all over their clothes and anything they own. Love the colour pink. Own one pair of converse. And maybe a pair of dickies. They ruin all decent music some how.

The Guys: Pink shirts, belts, stars, slightly camp fashion sense. Shop at TopMan oftenly.Own a pair of pink converse, and model their hair based on either Tom Delonge or Dougie from McFly.

My first bad experience of a wannabe emo/trendy...

emobitchkidudething: "Do you think if i was to spray a witch with water she would melt?"

Me: "No, because witches are human..."

emokidbitchthingywhateverijustsaid: "Oh right okay *Sprays me with a water gun*"


by i like to kill kids April 5, 2005

35👍 24👎

Whiny-ass Emo Faggot Wannabe Poser Shit

A term used to describe the music of Tokio Hotel and My Chemical Romance.

Person With Common Sense: Tokio Hotel? They SUCK! Their music is whiny-ass emo faggot wannabe poser shit!! *(Enjoys good music, e.g. The Who.)

by TheHippie (the real one) December 26, 2009

35👍 43👎