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A western liberal who lives in a predominantly black area wants to say the N word but can't go all the way because they 'are not racist' so instead they resort to calling their black friends their 'enigmas'.

Out of all the black people I know, which is three, you are my favourite enigma.

by Clinkclank May 6, 2020

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Publius Enigma

One of the most bizarre and mysterious publicity stunts/hoaxes/practical jokes ever put on in rock history. In short, a series of odd messages started showing up on alt.music.pink-floyd around the time "The Division Bell" and the subsequent tour was launched. The poster, going by the name of Publius, claimed that he had a message to convey from Pink Floyd that tied in with the central themes from their newest album. People began assuming that he was actually in some way associated with the band rather than a prankster or joker, although skeptics abounded. It became apparent that the poster was the genuine article when he announced a light display that would be seen during the band's stop in East Rutherford, New Jersey on July 18 of that year. Surely enough, "Enigma Publius" was seen in a light display during "Keep Talking" that night. Plenty of other displays would follow, all predicted by Publius. The words "Publius" and "Enigma" would actually show up in the light displays during shows a few more times, including an occasion captured on the "PULSE" video. The band denied having any pre-knowledge of these events, while lighting director Mark Brickman only said that he was told to do certain things to the lights otherwise he would lose his job.

Things became stranger yet as the words "Enigma" and "Publius" showed up in tiny print on the "Momentary Lapse of Reason" mini-discs released in 1994. There are numerous other odd happenings associated with the Publius Enigma that continued until April 5, 1997. The actual identity of the poster and his relationship, if any, with Pink Floyd and/or its management remains a mystery to this day. The Pink Floyd and Co. website maintains all of the original posts and provides a much more detailed history of the Enigma Publius in the "Us and Them" section of the site.

The Publius Enigma was a chain of events lasting roughly three years.

by Squid Wrangler April 23, 2005

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charismatic enigma

It's a person usually who mysteriously possessing an extraordinary ability to attract; having a way with words or actions.

"Damn dude , this boy is a charismatic enigma..look he can raise the dead with his words..hah he already has"

by Cory Jonathan June 8, 2005

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SnorgTees enigma

the dicotomy of advertising a Tshirt with bacon written in it being used by a skinny chick

dude this ad is such a SnorgTees enigma.

by ILuvBacon January 30, 2010

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Charismatic Enigma

The Charismatic Enigma, AKA Jeff Hardy, one of the Greatest Wrestlers OF ALL TIME!!! His Carrier was ended prematurely by CM Punk on Smackdown in a Steel Cage Match. the match was set so the winner would walk away with the World Heavy Weight Championship, and the loser would resign their WWE contract. CM Punk won, to the dismay of hundreds of thousands of WWE fans everywhere.

Announcer: On the way to the ring, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 221 lbs. The Charismatic Enigma, JEEEEEEEFF HAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRDDDDDYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Me Me You ME September 27, 2009

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beautiful enigma

A woman who is beautifully complex

A mystery, inside a puzzle, contained in an enigma

That stunning Sheila is a beautiful enigma

by elleirim nelle December 29, 2017

Euphoric Enigma

A: Some one under the effect of Unknown Happiness

B: A guy on Xbox live who plays Call of Duty World at War. He sucks at the game but hes hilarious. A great sport at that.
I love you Alex - Andrew :D

Wow, Alex, your such a Euphoric Enigma, you are 2 and 30, and your still in a great mood!

by Bones1213000 May 22, 2009

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