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A bad ass mofo with mad game. Will probably game on your gf, bang her that night, and have her cum for more.

Guy 1: "Hey have you seen Ashley?"
Guy 2: "Nah dude. She was with Esteban last time saw her."
Guy 1: "DAMMIT! she's probably riding his cock right now!! i guess me and her are through *sigh"

by angelo945 April 13, 2011

75πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


When a woman scratches a man's taint during sex.

Dude, I was doing this chick from behind and she was giving me the esteban.

by mb1234jr September 16, 2010

74πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


Esteban, commonly mistaken as Apolo, watermelon sugar or Venus as a boy, is the coolest, sweetest and hottest person that has ever walked the earth. Great lover and stunning cuddler. Cutie with a bootie. Girls go wild and boys go gay in matter of seconds.

Wow your new friend is so Esteban! I can’t wait to go talk to him!

Yeah, that’s Esteban, pure ecstasy in a boy.

by Lucky Charm boy August 24, 2020


A not cool guy, who is emotionally unavailable. He takes everything from the women he is with without ever giving back. When he gets angry he will try to stab you with his words.

He is an Esteban

by Yes no yes wait actually no. June 9, 2018

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An all out amazing guy he is allways gonna be there for you and never let you go your worries and problems will all go away whilst talking to him. He makes everything better not only to help but to get to know you and care for you

Esteban: im allways gonna be here im not going anywhere
Girl: thanks i dont want you to go anywhere but closer

by Anonymus citizen June 6, 2019


Referred to as paisa and is usually a columbian sex god

Bianca: Damn look at esteban
Sara: He's lookin fine

by estebansbitch November 22, 2015

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Esteban is a short cute dude who looks like 6 years younger then is actuall age for example when he was 10 he looked like he was 5. He is Also pretty chill and dosen't like getting in arguments, he can make some people laugh especially girls and has as an addiction to memes,he has a pretty weird taste for girls. He loves to make fun of hiself that's how (they mostly say that they are midgets and says that he is gay all the time)he makes people laugh Esteban's will more likely be friends with a Liam or Zack. Also he is a person who you can trust and never tells a secret,sometimes Esteban might be cringy but they assume it.

Esteban's are short so they are Midgets
Esteban's are Mental
Esteban's are Gay

by ProG Wako February 2, 2018

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