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A super cool, super awesome, down-to-earth girl. She's smart, sweet, beautiful, funny and just all-around amazing. Why is she single? I have no freaking idea.

That girl is so Evie

She's Evilicious

by Neeenjaa November 21, 2011

522👍 121👎


Evie... She is a nice , caring , friendly person and she is always smilling for you. She might be faking the smile though...who knows?? She is probably going through depression and might even want to self harm herself.. but luckily, she is afraid to. She can't stand up for herself , she feels left out , isn't confident and ect. She also might think she is fat and will stop eating for some time.. People don't notice how she truly feels.

"Evie is always smiling!"

by Eevee July 24, 2018

45👍 7👎


A really amazing person, in whom from time to time might stop eating slightly but looks amazing, always. Sometimes an Evie will count herself as "ugly" but really, she is beautiful in every way. Often has brown hair and dreamy brown eyes which you could stare right into and see how her life is really like. A quiet person, but when you get her talking is a different story, she is so funny and talkative and has tons of people like her. Honestly, if you know an Evie your very lucky.

Boy1: Wait, who's that cutie over there chatting with her friends?
Boy2: Yeah, she looks hot
Boy1: Agreed...

Boy3: Guys, its an Evie, duh
Boy1: Oh, obviously, how could I have forgotten!

by Popsiclised January 24, 2022


Evie is a sweet girl. She gets bored easily, and has many friends, although she has a few close friends she has made throughout life. Evie loves creativity, and likes/d socializing at school, but dislikes the idea of standardized tests and homework. Evie prefers creative and original subjects to Maths and other one answer only subjects. People usually have crushes on Evie because of her humour and kindness, although she can be a bitch when she wants. Evie is not your typical pretty, but she is beautiful. Evie is sensitive and loving, unique, and she has lovely hugs. she is stubborn, but if she values you she wouldn't be able to hold a grudge. Evie follows her heart. She has a cute figure, and smooth kisses. Sarcasm is her life. she is loving and good to a boyfriend, but is likely to come on to strong by constantly texting and looking for time alone with him. you would be a lucky guy though, and she won't stay unless you treat her well, make her laugh and dry her tears. A final warning, never steal Evies chocolate, its her life.

Wow, it’s Evie!

So... amazing!

by Cadence Person August 22, 2019


The sweetest girl ever known. She's beautiful, understanding, ambitious, talented, witty, hilarious, loving, sweet, sexy, trustworthy..the list is endless. She is irreplaceable, and if you've lost an Evie in your life, you've made a grave mistake. She's a gift from God and should be cherished forever. Never let go of her or let her forget how special she is to you.

Evie is such a sweetheart!

by 1uzfe February 21, 2015

211👍 54👎


Evie is a gorgeous girl with a very big heart. She has an amazing taste in boys and would be the perfect person to have a relationship with. Evie is funny and smart and always brings happiness whenever she is around. If you know an Evie treasure her because she is an angel.

Come here Evie

by Person person 23 January 4, 2019

22👍 3👎


Evie... A girl who always walks round with a smile on her face, even when she’s upset. She’s so sexy she could turn anyone she wants on , although she’s very sexy she’s also super cute and has a perfect face like a Barbie Doll. Evie puts her friends and family before herself and will do almost anything for anyone she loves, she’s a keeper either marry her or become her BestFriend or you definitely will regret it! She doesn’t mean to be funny but people laught at most things she says. Although she can be an dream she also can be sour af, don’t mess with her or you’ll probably get your face beat in , she always finishes the argument and will turn everyone against you. All the boys love her and even some girls to ,afterall her figure is better than a Victoria secrets model.

Boy 1: Wow who’s that sexy chick.
Boy 2: Oh , that’s Evie but back off she’s mine.

by Heyheyitsmexx December 9, 2017

45👍 9👎