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Exaggerating Fisher

The Exaggerating Fisher is usually one who spends an unnecessary amount of time explaining details that are irrelevant. When this happens, usually the universe starts to collapse as society breaks down trying to get away from the horrible exaggeration.

Usually this term is coined by people who are disinterested in this person's conversation.

"Sometimes when I play my Nintendo and I am playing online, it usually results in a match where I am against like 15 guys. Obviously I proceed to kick the crap out of everyone! Like this one time, I took out like 30 guys in Super Smash Brothers ; but you see, this ends up being mundane because.."

This Exaggerating Fisher example is too long to continue and this is where you should walk away silently; enough to not anger the beast explaining the useless story.

by The 15 People He Did Not Beat May 6, 2008

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exaggerated comparison

the act of useing an obsine amount of something as an act of comparison

(dude working at a construction site) Dude why did you cut the board 2 inches short. (supervisor walks up) More like like 50 yards short. (other guy) Now thats an exaggerated comparison.

by Mr. Get It Done July 19, 2009

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counter exaggerating

Exaggerating the opposite of what is true. A form of lying and can be used as an excuse for lying.

Kyle:" Hey Jimmy is it cold out?"

Jimmy: "Nah dude its warm!"

Kyle: "Jimmy you're lying its freezing!"

Jimmy:"Bro I wasn't lying I was counter exaggerating"

by Doubt.Me?Think.Again November 21, 2013

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appropriate exaggeration

Not in the same vein as an over "exaggeration" or an "under exaggeration."

In the act has a similar result to regular exaggeration, but when stated causes the "Oh yeah, I guess I can see that... " response in those who hear it.

Person 1: Ugh, that person ended up keeping me up all night last night! I didn't get to sleep till like 3 in the morning...

Person 2: That's not really all night.

Person 1: It is when you have to wake up at 5 for work the next day, dude. It's an appropriate exaggeration...

Person 2: Oh yeah, I guess I can see that...

by Pastcoma April 21, 2010

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Random-Number Exaggeration

Exaggerating the amount or quantity of something by using a completely random number. Can be referred to as RNE.

1. Ted: (Talking to his buddy, Greg, about a large meeting he just had) "The were like 287 people in that meeting."
Greg: "What a random-number exaggeration."

2. Jim: (Walking out of a chinese buffet and talking to his friend, Jim) "I swear there were about 324 black people eating there."
John: "Pretty large RNE, but damn it was packed with them."

by Legendary MoFo May 15, 2010

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Pre-emptive exaggeration

The act of exaggerating a story, because you think everyone will assume you are whether you do or not.

Pre-emptive exaggeration would be telling your friends you were in line for 2 hours when it was only 1, because you know if you say 1 they will assume you were exaggerating and it was only half an hour.

by Perfect_Blue September 9, 2011

Exaggeration Pull-Back

When you use hyperbole to express something large or long, and then take it back. Usually done quietly.

Sean: There were like a MILLION people at the party! Actually it was more like 40, but whatever.

Evan: *cough cough Exaggeration Pull-back cough cough*

by The_Straight-Edge_Donkey August 1, 2011

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