ideally seeking to find the simplest and most likely explanation. In a logical reasoning.
their is no logical explanation to what you said
1๐ 3๐
When something is said that is so complete, clear, clever, and simply so perfect for the situation that it makes you want to shout for joy.
While not strictly limited to work, certainly the most common occurrence of a Pants Down Explanation occurs in the work place.
BOSS: "Jenkins, why are we exhibiting at the Business Expo this week?"
EOMPLOYEE: "Because a 600 of the largest buyers of our products will be in attendance. We've pre-marketed to all of them and have face-to-face pitch meetings pre-arranged with 40. By closing an average size deal at our average selling price with just 2 of them, we will have return on our investment in excess of 500%."
Now that's a Pants Down Explanation.
See for more.
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When you go to someone's house and demand restitution for how they wronged you.
If somebody crosses you, you gonna go to them for a 1 a.m. explanation.
2๐ 1๐
When a video on Youtube has over 1 million "likes" but a tiny few "dislikes" and no one knows why. so an explanation is given as to why this is so.
guy 1: hey man the video of Justin Beaver being hit with a water bottle has over a billion likes!
guy 2: awesome!! wait, 4 dislikes?
guy 1: how can that be?
guy 2: hmmm, probably the people who were going to hit the like button got hit with a bottle as well and caused them to hit the dislike button
guy 1: that's a logical youtube dislike explanation
25๐ 15๐
When somebody has a case of premature ejaculation caused in part by them explaining their fetish to another person.
I was in therapy, explaining how I feel about bondage to my therapist, and talking about bondage made me experience premature explanation
You'll explain it to the parents Matt Dillahunty.
Hym "Or I guess I can do it for you. I'll give you a little explanation. I'll give you an explanation in written form just in case Matt Dillahunty won't. Here's why you kid is dead. In a minute here I'm going to send this message and it is going to go somewhere and it's going to be viewed by an indeterminate number of people. Some other those people are famous YouTubers like Matt Dillahunty. These YouTubers have all agreed to keep it a secret from me to prevent me from both recouping my losses and to allow the continuation of a stalking and harassment campaign against me. So, your kid is dead because these YouTubers tried to teach me a lesson I did not learn that they have no right to teach and it would be alive if they had came clean. Some of them lost employees over it. Some of them lost followers. All of them deserve to be in prison. Or dead. Any dissenting voices likely silenced my NDAs. And your kid might ALREADY BE DEAD. A death might have ALREADY OCCURED. ME killing you kid might not be the first death this has caused. But your kid is dead because these YouTubers took it upon themselves to make things worse and couldn't be held accountable for doing so. I'm going to send this not. Then I'm going to back tab out of the submitted screen. And that is something you can do with all of the hundreds of open tabs.
And then when whoever finds my phone will see the tabs. Read this. Further up there is a list of YouTubers I know for a fact are participating. Right up before the election it said the servers were down and they weren't back up until after they election. I guess somebody didn't like their odds is I was allowed to speak freely. But that's besides the point. Your kid is dead. Ask Matt Dillahunty about it. Go through the whole list. They will be able to tell you why your kid died. They won't. Or they'll lie. They might even apologize. But they knew what they were doing and they knew what would happen. And I doubt you'll get an explanation from them so here: That is what happened."
Way off the mark.
Hym "I explained what I was doing immediately. The plan was to get an explanation as to why it seems to be the case that everywhere I go people are making reference to the things I'm doing in my day to day life and the frequency increased in a place where people were both DOING THAT and fucking retards and based on the things they were saying, it seemed to be the case that it involved either they were in my email or reading the posts? Which is why the name changed several times in the beginning. And why the need for spamming the sequential posts. To see if I could get them to say the number of posts. Names to test for email and spamming to see if they were reading the posts. Seemed to be both.
And it seemed to be the case that they were deriding me while trying to create a situation where I was excluded from a discussion they couldn't stand to not have around me. And I KNOW you KNOW this is the case because Dick Dawkins' response was 'I have no responsibility to relieve you of your incredulity.' So you know what I'm saying here. You're being reductive. And BEYOND THAT, why have I never heard of or seen anything like this and why do I never see it go the other way around? How do I know it's not just me? Because NOT EVERYONE IS DOING IT SHIT-HEAD. Did you even consider that? That not everyone was doing it and the absence of them doing it proves that you're doing it? No? It's the same thing and the same people every time. There's always 1 or 2. Never pointed at anyone else. The impetus could be anything. The fact that it is happening at all is the issue. So no, you're being a shit. And SINCE it took 7 years and a mental breakdown to respond. I don't think an explanation isn't warranted."