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F'd in the pants!

(adj.) The state of being in which one finds themselves broke, drunk and loitering on the front porch of local store in a Bush Alaska community. Totally, completely, utterly...F'd in the pants!

Ughhhh. my biographical poet paper is "f'd in the pants!"

by Scott el Camino October 31, 2010

F'd up

to have consumed an amount of alcohol in a short period of time which makes you say stupid shit, do stupid shit, and/or puke everywhere and pass out. This usually results with you waking up somewhere strange with a killer headache and overall having the time of your life.

Last night while i was f'd up I lost consciousness and this morning I woke up with a hangover and with no boxers on.

by Clay dude July 21, 2006

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when you take the pyschoactive salvia divinorum plant and
reach the state of intense thoughts where you lose track of time and space..........

last nite I took some salvia at 8:00 ... I thougth it was 12:00 am when I gained it back... but really it was like 8:10 I was totally salivia-f'd.

by starpoer February 18, 2009

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F'd in the a on saturday

F'd in the a on saturday is the same as (F'd in the A) BUT on the special day of saturday.

Jeff- Hey you coming out today since its Saturday?
Bob- No fuck face Im with your mother.
Dave- ohhh you just got f'd in the a on SATURDAY!

by Craig (the sexy one) February 1, 2011

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F'd in tha B

Coined by Cartmen (south park)

Damn you jus got F'd in tha B !

by DeOSvX May 3, 2004

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F'd in the A with a big rubber D

Directly meaning Fucked in the Ass with a big rubber Dildo. Somewhat of a crude "owned" term but euphemised

Dude 1: Man, because of my broken car I missed my final, now getting held back a year!
Dude 2: Oh man, you got F'd in the A with a big rubber D

by moparornocar March 11, 2009

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f'd in the A with a big rubber D

A good "suffix" to jazz up the already good saying "f'd in the a"

When you want to curse someone you can say: "F that guy in the A with a big rubber D"

by legaldealer June 1, 2004

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