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Facebook Stalker

Someone who spends larges amounts of time looking at others profiles, pictures, walls and statuses and learning about the person's life story. In addition,they must "like" every little conversation they he/ she was/is never apart of. Very rarely is it traceable. Can be traced and or noticed if the person being stalked and or victim notices a lot of "likes" and "comments" on post that The Facebook Stalker was never apart of.

Abdoul, " Hey yesterday was fun, I hope you had fun."

Tammy, " I did have fun, I loved the Cliff diving."

*Katie Likes Comment*

Tammy, " Katie WTF are you doing? Are you being a Facebook Stalker?

by iPrank February 7, 2011

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Facebook Stalker

A guy or a girl who randomly adds people and scans through their profiles and pictures, send harrassing messages and thinks everything you post is about them and / or refers to them. They also send you lot of romantic gestured gifts the moment you add them, and steal your pics to post them on messages they send you and commenting on your good looks.

girl posts a status:
"I have message warning, those who matter know how to reach me"
scott: oh honey I remember our talks with warm
girl: huh? what talks?

Private message From scott:
"Hello this is your picture you look like a model"

girl to friends:
"scott is such a facebook stalker. he keeps harrassing me"

by kteva February 24, 2009

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Facebook Stalker

A mentally ill pathetic idiot who is obsessed with someone else and posts stupid crap on their wall every single fucking day, without giving them air to breathe. Not to mention a like on every picture the stalked posts.

facebook stalker, stalker

by Raven Whore June 24, 2014

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Facebook Stalker Bar

The 'friend activity' feed added to the right side of your screen as part of the 9/21/11 changes to Facebook's layout.

Dude, the new Facebook Stalker Bar is stalkerific!! I used to have to work to creep on my Facebook crush, but now everything she does or says on Facebook comes right to my screen!

by ralfdallas September 23, 2011

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Secondary Facebook Stalker

(noun/verb) 1. A person who watches another person stalk friends on the social site Facebook. This usually takes place in lecture, during class, on a bus, or in the library.
2. An unintentional stalking of people on Facebook through someone else's account by watching those person's actions on their monitor.

3. The act of watching someone stalk someone else.
4. Shortened usually to "sefast"

I was in lecture today and I was such a secondary facebook stalker towards the people in front of me. They were all on Facebook and I couldn't stop looking!

by Mass Texter November 9, 2010

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Facebook stalker (FBS)

someone who stalks your facebook page

Facebook stalker (FBS), Danielle Marchese

by sdndmeodfn231242134 June 19, 2009

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Facebook Stalker Regret

Usually occurring after an individual has procrastinated some important work/school project, and decided to stalk a friend, acquaintance or coworker to the point that they have seen so much that they regret clicking on the profile on the first place. The stalker may be regretful for a number of reasons, including but not limited to the following:

1. Finding details about someone you never wanted to find
2. Feeling pathetic for having spent half an hour researching someone you don't know and don't care about
3. Feeling jealous of someone whose life you perceive (from Facebook) to be better than yours

"I found this guy on okCupid but before we met I found him on Facebook and know he likes Grey's Anatomy, Candy Crush, and the Communist party. He took a beach trip to Mexico in '09 with his brother Chris. Now I'm afraid to meet him because I'm afraid I'm gonna let something slip and he'll think I'm a total stalker."
"Sounds like you're experiencing Facebook Stalker Regret."

by SophiaChicken October 9, 2013

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