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1. To provide women for a party; to successfully set another person up with a girl
2. To bring something to someone

From the word "facilitate"

"I'm tryna fack some girls for the club tonight."

"Yo, fack me that bottle opener?"

by The Squirl August 23, 2008

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when some one gets mad and decices to call you a fucking fag. as if saying fag wasnt enough they also had to add fucking to it. but if you say it to fast it turns out to say FACK... lol :P

yo adrian what the hell were you thinking!!! are you a fack use you flippin brain!!!!

by mr.pebbles :P March 27, 2010

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used commonly by londoners, pronounced much like cant (not can't); both were used excesivly in the film "Quadrophenia", one of The Who's rock operas.

"you fackin' cant!"
"fack off! lets go an do some blues!"

by Sam the Kan May 20, 2005

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A word used by people who do not know how to spell . These people are usually from stardoll who are ticked off for no apparent reason but want to take their anger out on other people . This usually happens in clubs like : AskPaulinagirls , Animal-lovers and FashionClub .

Fack you!

by xNonamex March 20, 2010

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A song by rapper Eminem to appear on his new greatest hits album. WORST.SONG.EVER.

What the fuck is that FACK shit all about?

by JacksWastedLife November 28, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Canadian version of the english word "fuck". It was created by the candanians in the mid 1940's when they retreated from a World War 2 battle.

Fack! We're being shot at guy. Run budday!

What the fack are you doing?

by Bill April 22, 2004

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A mis-spelling of the word "frack" - a euphemism for the word "fuck" coined by the creators of the original / classic "Battlestar Galactica" TV series to curse on-air and bypass the censors at the same time.

What the fack are you doing, trying to communicate with a 3rd-grade language skill level?

by Stoney4 June 13, 2012

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