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Wannabe hardcore kids who have no clue on the music and wears pussy clothes that looks very gay!

"Check out that fashioncore kid, he's wearing a pink top! What a pussy!"

by Giles UK September 10, 2004

33👍 65👎


hardcore kids with great hair and collered shirts

eightteen visions

by nonameplease October 6, 2003

33👍 73👎


A person who loves to look sexy at shows. Much like a scene kid, tight pants, shirt, long bangs. Fahsioncore kids always try to start new trends that are usually rediculous: Rolling pants up, Wierd belts, anything that sticks out.

Dang dude! look at him, he prolly spends 4230204 hours infront of a mirror, hes so fashioncore

by GrantXcore March 19, 2005

15👍 31👎


Since none of you kiddies really know what "fashionXcore" really is, I'm here to tell you.

Fashioncore is a bunch of girls who wear skinny jeans that are tight as hell, expensive designer tops, have long hair (sometimes its extensions) and wear other expensive articles of clothing and listen to gnarly assdeathmetal and grindcore (real grindcore not heavheavylowlow, fags)

its not a band or a scene its just girls being girls.

rich scene girls who flaunt there money (fashioncore). There at shows just look for really hot chicks.

by Eric Decap. August 25, 2006

10👍 37👎



The term "fashioncore" has NOTHING to do with clothing! Anyone who hears the term "fashioncore" and assumes it's hardcore band who's members are in some specific way fashionable, you are completely retarded. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A FASHION STYLE! The REAL idea behind the term is a hardcore style of music that is very similar to the "Heroine" album by FFTL. Can possibly described as a hardcore band crossed with techno. A lot of electronic noises and electrionic drums, hardcore style.


stupid female who thinks her life is music but doesn't even play an instrument or sing: Hey, did you see that band that was dressed so hawt at Warped Tour yesterday?

similar stupid female: ZOMG yes! They were so fucking hott! They are so definitely fashioncore. I loved the singers hair, IT WAS THE SEX!


Musician One: Hey dude, did you check out FFTL's Heroine album yet?

Musician Two: Fuck yeah dude! I love it! It's like Kill Hannah and FFTL smashed their faces together and this is what happened.

by la la fuck face I love chelsea September 4, 2007

1👍 26👎


A derogatory word used for people who when at shows care more about looking good and being seen than the music. Common misconception and closemindedness have made alot of people think it's people who wear tight jeans or put effort into their appearance. Wrong, it is not the kids who look good or care about their aesthetics. It's the kids who go to shows and don't give a fuck about the music; they are only there to show off their clothes, check out what everyone else is wearing, and go on about how they seen whoever before they sold out, or how they seen '_____' and they where phenomanal. These kids are usually found near the back with cameras, snapping pictures of the band but usually just themselves and friends. You can easily tell who they are because they've never so much as moved during a show and fix their hair every few seconds despite the fact that they haven't moved enough for it to be ruined.

Kid in the Pit: Look at all those fashioncore idiots standing around pretentiously they represent everything I hate in the music industry.

by FilthIsFun August 29, 2008

19👍 4👎


Whats so hardcore about wearing girl pants?, If you were truly hardcore you would be wearing cut-off jeans, a tank top, and sandals...In the winter. And you woulden't listen to whiney ass music.

No Dear, We can't butt-fuck tonight!

by iwannabeanalcoholic January 18, 2005

149👍 120👎