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feening - to want something badly, to have a craving.

i'm feening for pussy

by bkcutie May 26, 2005

1291πŸ‘ 345πŸ‘Ž


(this quality word has been arround since early 90's from the jodeci, wayne marshall era or music)

Feenin' Meaning a craving or an urge about something most commonly associated with mens craving for women

Girl u got me feening, wen r we gonna do it

by jimmyling January 16, 2007

404πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž


To want, obsess over something

Why are you feening for that Fat CHICK?

by Zack Anstett March 10, 2008

414πŸ‘ 264πŸ‘Ž


An individule that is known to finesse or snake his way around tasks. Known to pull bitches. Known to have a bony or snake-like posterior.

FUCK that feen! He stole my girl,

by Jbobbbob December 29, 2016

117πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


I first heard this in 2004 but apparently it's been around since 2002. It means: wanting something really badly; yearning; craving; to be a fiend for/of; a corrupted version of the word β€œfiend”, often used in the trying-to-quit, or broke (as in no money), addiction community.

Dang - all those Outback commercials have got me feenin' for some steak!

by Tulip April 4, 2004

666πŸ‘ 496πŸ‘Ž


Used by people who listen to other people who have no idea what they are talking about. At some point I assume somewhere between Generation X and Y someone overheard a word being used and misinterpred it. Now legions of people born after 1977 are saying the word Feen. The word used which they misheard is Fiend defined as a person who is craving something in a maniacle way.

improper use of said non-word:

I'm feening some weed!

propper use:

I'm fiending some weed!

by swoopert February 17, 2005

915πŸ‘ 772πŸ‘Ž


(n) Norwegian. A town where almost every street is called Feenveien. Check out your favourite online mapping application iff'n you don't believe it.

I'm going to Feen this afternoon - can you help me find me way? I believe I head for Stokke, then take a number of Feenveien until I magically land in the right spot.

by NaughtyJim October 29, 2010

120πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž