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An acronym that stands for Female with Entitlement Mentality, popular associated with new age feminism. Such a female would have an over-bloated sense of self, high tastes and would always be demanding with any unfortunate male who shows interest in her.

Man have you seen Ben lately? He's totally lost everything to Karen the FEM.

Do yourself a favour and steer clear of her, she's a total FEM.

by Pen Shareman August 23, 2020

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fem up

Feminine gender specific term synonymous with "man up" meaning do the thing, take care of your stuff, be your own grown up.

Hon, need you to fem up - please fix the transmission and start the casserole.

by msdee January 5, 2017


A transgender slang term for feminizing hormones.

I just got prescribed my Fem&m's so excited!

by dhdoctor April 10, 2021


Another version of femboy but they are rather muscular

Person 1: โ€œWho would you decide between if you had to make a choice: Femboy or a Fem-man?โ€
Person 2: โ€œHmmm, I would go with Fem-man. Would want him to top me any day.โ€

by Walmart304 July 5, 2021

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The feminine sensibilities of an otherwise masculine man and varies in in correlation with a mans emotional development.

Most women sat raptly when Mike was present because his inner-fem was highly developed and they fed off it.

by ZmanCalifornia May 27, 2017



- is the END of the naturally functioning modern global society due to hyper-masculinization of woman and hyper-feminization of men, and the END of traditional gender roles, which is also characterized by the preferential treatment of women combined with shameless bashing of men and bashing of all things male by both men and women



Jim: Did you hear about the dude in Australia that had his junk bitten by his crazy woman while HE was sleeping?
Bob: Yes.

Jim: Did you hear how HE was given 3 months in jail and a $2000.00 fine, and SHE was not charged with biting his penis and making it bleed?
Bob: Yes.

Jim: Why do you think that is?
Bob: Oh, that is easy. It is a just sign of the Fem-pocalypse.

by GlennyJ December 17, 2013

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Fem Eng

An engineering program in which there is an abnormally high percentage of women. Men in these programs are often spited by other male engineers out of jealousy. This is commonly present in chemical engineering.

Guy 1(dumbass eng elitist):OMGZ nanotechnology engineering the best!!11!
Guy 2: Hey, chem eng is pretty cool!
Guy 1: You mean Fem Eng?
Guy 2: Yeah it's crazy how many chicks are in my class!
Guy 1: Fuck you. They're probably lesbians.

by listerineman September 8, 2008

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