Source Code

Fender Bender

To fuck a girl in the ass.

Bro she totally got fender bendered, her ass is so fat now.

by almightyzae May 21, 2015

4πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

fender bender

could be some one whos gay, someone who cant drive or could also be for a tremo or wammy bar on a guitar, or just fender bendin could mean playin the all origonal blues style on on a strat.

fender bender, he i'm goin up to partaaay with the most beautiful thing on this god given earth the fender stratocaster,

he bender boy watch where you going, boi you cant drive fo shit

by bute September 19, 2005

5πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Transgender Fender Bender

When you get into a car accident and the person who hit you, or vice versa, is an old acquaintance who has transitioned since you last saw them.

β€œI accidentally tapped a cars rear bumper the other day, and guess who it was?”

β€œYep, It was great to see her. To bad it was a transgender fender bender”

by gasp December 21, 2021

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Fender Bender

taking "bumps" of cocaine off a guitar pick.

The baggie had a few grams of blow. Doug dipped the guitar pick into it and did a fender bender.

by Broham802280 November 20, 2007

4πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Smithsonian fender bender

A Smithsonian fender bender is when you’re having rough anal sex with an elderly woman and stick your whole fist in her pussy hole and scream, β€œDumb Dumb gimme Gum Gum”.

Damn your grandma was not ready for my smithsonian fender bender.

by CJN2302 March 15, 2019

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philly fender bender

The act of two males having sex with two girls in doggy style, with the two girls facing each other. Upon signal, the two males thrust hard so the females faces smash together.

Yo... see that girl with no teeth, she got a philly fender bender last night

by Donkeypunchinc. November 30, 2015

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fender bender

idiot with no driving skills, no license no life and no social skills

probably a woman

by shiny-head, but not bald September 5, 2003

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