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anything like your first name

Urbandictionary told you to look this up. So now you have. Why? You're a smartass. Or a blond/blonde. Either way, this is a total waste of your time and you've just lost about 4 minutes of your life from this useless piece of crap.

look up anything like your first name

by one smartass blonde June 10, 2012

28👍 5👎

first name my last name

To take someone's first name + my + last name. So it becomes something quite dirty.

For example (first name my last name): you can Chris my Jones anytime, if you know what i mean!

by Remmie remmie December 9, 2006

53👍 22👎

call your teacher by their first name week

on the 18th of november till the 24th of november you call your teacher by their first name

call your teacher by their first name week the you call your teacher by their first name

by doctor jeffrey November 15, 2019

my name is (last name here), (first name here) (last name here)

a dramatic way of introducing yourself, usually if you are an international superspy

my name is Bond, James Bond.
my name is Blart, Paul Blart.
my name is (last name here), (first name here) (last name here)

by Hammond_Cheese April 25, 2018

7👍 3👎

anyone who uses their middle name after their first name for example rachel sarah

Anyone who uses their middle name after their first name for example Rachel Sarah
This is for every person always a girl who uses their first name and their middle name like on Facebook or any other social media outlet. They are always sluts so #nolastname and always pretentious. Usually these are the girls that buy fake shit and post pictures about it like they have mad money.

anyone who uses their middle name after their first name for example rachel sarah
posted that fake ass purse like she's somebody. Bitch, please.

by Christine morrass January 21, 2017

3👍 2👎