Source Code

how to hack into certain websites

This only work for certain websites in which there is a guest account present in the ftp log.

how to hack into certain websites. its simple first ya go into internet explorer (if your using netscape sorry) and click the view menu then under that menu you will see a comand that says source click it now copy all the code into a text editor of some type now edit it all ya want and write some html code that will promt you for a download every time you open it make it say something sneaky like “search program” and now for the tricky part. Get your favorite ftp program and login to the host domain as guest and send the edited site to them with the name index.html now sit back n relax and watch the fun

by WorseThanHitler November 14, 2020

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I’m feeling a certain way

When someone says that they are feeling a certain way they mean they are horny. THEY WANNA FUCK YOU!

Hey babe I’m feeling a certain way

by Goth.boi December 4, 2017

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detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you’re doing is worth it?

Following this PDA warning there are two scenarios.

A: you ignore it and shit your pants to a reaper leviathan seconds later.
B: You turn around and your pants get to live another day

PDA: “Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you’re doing is worth it?”

You: “I can’t possibly imagine what could go wro-AHHHHH,SH** YOU CU*T GO F*** YOURSELF, NO NO NO NO NO JESUS.”

Your seamoth: *Dies*
Your pants: *Turn brown*
A hole in your monitor: *Appears*

by CallMeBez April 8, 2023

When you need to find a source that says certain things and are unable to do so and end up making your own (source) aka Social Studie

Fictional sources made up by yourself.

Our world is one which is unable to accurately acknowledge the past, and the toughness of the situations that occured in the past because our own view is so ascewed to that of people from even a centery ago. Despite this people attempt to use our own morals and ethics in order to deem whether or not past events were appropiate, which is something that cannot be done -Charles Gentley inventor of When you need to find a source that says certain things and are unable to do so and end up making your own (source) aka Social Studies

by Charles gentley February 20, 2017

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I'm a 20-something Hispanic man who has uncontrollable lust for women who spend over 100 dollars on collecting waifus and hours and realized that he can't collect a certain waifu due to random number generator

Translates to I'm Josie, and 100 dollars is an understatement.

I'm a 20-something Hispanic man who has uncontrollable lust for women who spend over 100 dollars on collecting waifus and hours and realized that he can't collect a certain waifu due to random number generator is something you wouldn't say on a first date.

by ManHandle669969 April 17, 2017

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At a certain age

Yeah, no she came out and said it, didn't she? You want me to fucking have a fucking "relationship" with the ran-through single mom with kids I could literally go to the bar with. But I'm "discriminating based on age." Get the fuck out of here with that. And don't try to spin it on me you know a bitch will fuck a fat old dude (I'm not old and am less fat that some of the fat fuck you be fucking) for a purse sometimes you know this bitch not about to by me anything.

Hym " 'Nice guys at a certain age' she says! We're getting closer and closer to the truth! 'Nice guys are great for after I run out of fat-cock options! They have no choice but to have a relationship with me and raise this fucking guys kid. But not yet. I still might be able to get a fat-cock. If I can't get a fat-cock then I'll settle for someone who is nice to me.' Is what THAT means. That's the settling to them. There's the juxtaposition for you Dave. What they're aiming for vs. What they're settling for. Wow! Just wow! It actually amazes me that she actually said it like that. I'm almost proud of her! Crazy."

by Hym Iam October 4, 2023

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Certain Nameless Person

a character or individual who shall remain unnamed due to their track record of targetting and harassing anyone who tries to bring to light the truth of their actions. usually someone who has blatantly shown to disregard the rule of law as well as practicing bad faith and relies on string man arguments and obvious lies to twist a narrative to their favor for selfish reasons

bystander1: that "certain nameless person" really does show no shame don't they?

red and white reporter: that "certain nameless person" has decided to go after anyone who tries to go against their narrative, what a shame, what a shame indeed

by howdyhenryhowe December 31, 2022