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Alabama Weather Forecast

What Donald Trump predicts for the weather of Alabama. He knows better than the weather man!

The National Weather Service says no hurricane but the Alabama Weather Forecast says hurricane -- so we better prepare for a Hurricane!

by HoaglandTony September 10, 2019

Gash flow forecast

A prediction of the amount of girls, gash, you are likely to get in the next year.

"I've just completed my Gash flow forecast for the year ending 31/12/2009."

by Alreet duck? May 4, 2009

Fantasy Football Friday Forecast

Every Friday, when discussing your fantasy football team on Facebook, you forecast a victory over your upcoming opponent. With this forecast, you tag the individual's name to ensure that they and everyone else know you mean business. Similar to when a weatherman forecasts the weather.

In this week's installment of Fantasy Football Friday Forecast, I will defeat @John Doe in a dominating fashion, remain in 1st place and improve to 6-2.

by JD1983 October 29, 2010

"spicy" weather-temps forecast

"Chili today, hot tamale"

The weatherman smilingly gave a really "spicy" weather-temps forecast on the radio today, and so I just **assumed** (yeah, I know, I know... never a good idea!) that the wind was gonna be pleasantly scented with yummy delectable barbecue-flavors for a couple days. But it's actually had very little odor at all during this period, just as plain old ordinary air usually does... what a disappointment!

by QuacksO October 16, 2018

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Trend forecasting

Trend forecasting is a process of identifying new and emerging trends and predicting how they will shape the fashion industry. It is done by trend forecasters who are usually based at trend forecasting agencies, like WGSN. The trends they research can be cultural, economic, or celebrity trends. In sum, not just fashion trends, as those are influenced by what’s happening in the world, as well as cultural aspects and societal behavior.

Trend forecasting is a process of identifying new and emerging trends and predicting how they will shape the fashion industry.

by Abundance Love January 13, 2025

Trend forecasting

Trend forecasting is a process of identifying new and emerging trends and predicting how they will shape the fashion industry.Trend forecasting

Trend forecasting is a process of identifying new and emerging trends and predicting how they will shape the fashion industry. It is done by trend forecasters who are usually based at trend forecasting agencies, like WGSN. The trends they research can be cultural, economic, or celebrity trends. In sum, not just fashion trends, as those are influenced by what’s happening in the world, as well as cultural aspects and societal behavior.

Trend forecasting is a process of identifying new and emerging trends and predicting how they will shape the fashion industry.

by Abundance Love January 13, 2025

Falls Forecast

When you are able to predict the downside / accidents in future.

Last night, I had a contemplation about falls forecast and the outcomes of those are said to be bizarre.

by Rated R Punk November 8, 2015