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FTM = Fuck The Man
- used to describe feelings of anger towards the establishment when a person is being oppressed by said establishment

The police are always bothering people who shouldn't be considered criminals, and our legal system is well on it's way to becoming a police state. FTM!

by M 2teh C September 6, 2006

320πŸ‘ 421πŸ‘Ž


Shorthand for: follow the money.

If you wanna understand why the Trumpster was elected in the first place, just FTM.

by Dr Bunnygirl August 15, 2020

49πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


"for the moment"

"I'm working as a photographer at the Daily Bugle ftm."

by sfgfan10 February 12, 2010

104πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž


Β« for the momentΒ»

FTM there’s nothing I can do

by FBIsurvaillance April 18, 2020

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


FTM - fuck the matrix

scouse slang used against the matrix devision of the police force, aimed to stop drugs and anti- social behaviour

if confrunted about the meaning of FTM most will tell police it means - from the mersey-

FTM lad they arrested us last night

fuck the matrix lad they arrested us last night

by minimuch June 20, 2009

105πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž


Surreptitious, coded football (soccer) slang from North East England. Can either mean 'Fuck the Mags (or Magpies)!' - this being the traditional and original definition as used by the supporters of Sunderland Association Football Club - or alternatively 'Fuck the Mackems!' as bastardised by the supporters of Newcastle United Football Club.

Further explanation:
'Magpies' is a geordie colloquialism for NUFC who play in black and white shirts. 'Mackems' was formerly a derogatory term for the folk from Sunderland as coined by the people of Newcastle, who, jealous of Sunderland's prowess in the noble art of shipbuilding, would say, 'They mak' em and we tak' em!' (ie, the ships). Today, however, the citizens of Sunderland are proud to be associated with the word Mackem and the connotations of its heritage.

Unless you live in the North East of England, you cannot imagine the fierce and intense rivalry between the two cities of Sunderland and Newcastle despite their being separated by only a few short miles. This burning hatred of each other has endured for many centuries and will no doubt continue for many more.

See also Mackem and Magpie

SAFC Supporter 1: FTM, our boy.
SAFC Supporter 2: Aye FTM, young un.

by Mummy Shaz July 4, 2005

116πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž


A acronym that can stand for many things, in this case 'feel the mash' used to insult people of the spud-headed persuasion.

Spud head "what's q10?"
Normal person "FTM; Feel the mash"

by FTMer 1 October 17, 2011

51πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž