Source Code

fuck off

when you get agitated and use bad words to make sure the person goes away angry.

"Fuck off bro, you killing my vibe!"

by Rachel Bitch March 14, 2018

94๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck Off

Go away!!!!!!!!!!! AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

Benny told Jimmy to "Fuck off!".

by hexaGonmaN April 28, 2004

2362๐Ÿ‘ 788๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck Off

"Fuck off." It's such a lovely pair of words! And it's international. I don't care where you are - if somebody's fuckin' with your bags in Lhasa Airport in Tibet and he's got a shaven head and saffron clothes on and you say "hey, fuck off!", he knows *exactly* what you mean. Exact - he will fuck off. Off he will fuck! 'Fuck off' doesn't mean 'go away.' 'Fuck off' means 'fuck... *off.*' And everybody feels what it means, nobody can write it down. There is no English equivalent for 'fuck off,' because... it *is* English, 'fuck off.' You know? And English expressions don't have English equivalents, they fuckin' *are*, ya know?

~ Billy Connoly

Bob: "Hey I'm going through your stuff."
Bill: "Fuck off!"

by Rising Pepsi December 24, 2010

747๐Ÿ‘ 239๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck off then

''Fuck off then'' most often it's used like a response and it means ''Go and don't waste my time'' or ''leave me alone'' etc.

-Hey Johnny you want some icecream?
-Well,fuck off then!

by Gunaholic AF May 16, 2016

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck off

A rude way of saying go away to a person Verb

Person: I love Justin Bieber!
Me: Fuck off

by RGFY April 19, 2018

50๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck off

define: to piss off or go away

go fuck off

by Damagic January 30, 2018

44๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck off

when someone is being bothered by another person and is starting to get really pissed off and wants them to just go away or shut up

Jon: Yo give me $2.50 for lunch, I have no money.
Chris: No
Jon: Please yo, don't be a fag, I'm hungry
Chris: Fuck off Jon!

by LILR22 February 19, 2008

757๐Ÿ‘ 305๐Ÿ‘Ž