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fuck head

George Bush (the guy that choked on a pretzel)

Person A: "Aw my life is totally fucked up now..."

Person B: "Yah, it's that fuck head's fault...blame him!"

by toxnar January 17, 2006

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fuck head

someone who has been fucked in the head....

mentally or physically...

hey fuck head....hows it going lol;;;;( sarcastic )

by bukowski October 16, 2006

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fuck head

someone who is a fucking idiot

person: god dammit jerry you forgot to buy juul pods you fuck head
jerry: fuck me sorry mate

by smart cunt with common sense August 20, 2019

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@Fuck head spammer

A @Fuck head spammer MUST spam messages until his role as @Fuck head spammer is removed, they can't control themselves while possessing the @Fuck head spammer role due to Satan himself controlling them.

I can't stop spamming, PLEASE remove @Fuck head spammer!

by wwwwoL February 17, 2019

fuck headed bastard

someone dumb and illegitimate. an illegitimate dumbass.

That alabama fan is a fuck headed bastard.

by AuburnDoc July 9, 2011

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Robs fucked head

When you rub so much acetone on your head that the growth of your hair becomes minimal. To the point every girl/guy is disturbed by your presence.

We were having a nice conversation at lunch then I lost my appetite when I looked up and saw Robs fucked head.

by pflexwigga July 27, 2022

complete fuck head

anyone who spends time looking at this website or actually gets joy out of adding new words to this site.

joe is a complete fuck head.

by does n. matter April 1, 2005

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