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A Dutch Minecraft youtuber that streams on twitch. Widely known for his coding in Minecraft to provide interesting twists to the game and contributions to the Dream SMP. Ran in the 2020 L'manberg Election for the SMP alongside Nihachu (Niki) as #Coconut2020 however losing with a percentage of 9% (20,000 votes).
His fox Minecraft avatar has caused many jokes throughout his time as a content creator, being referred to as a furry.

"Did you hear that Fundy promised cookies to the nation if we vote him for president?"
"What a great guy"

by isimpforblockpeopleitsaproblem November 5, 2020

88๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A dutch programmer and streamer that plays minecraft.

"Where is Fundy?"
"I don't know, the last time he streamed was a week ago."

by notfundy September 13, 2020

124๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who follow fundamentalist Christian ideals. "In comparative religion, fundamentalism refers to anti-modernist movements in various religions."

Carries a negative connontation, because of the association with extremist views.

"When it comes to hating religion and the way it separates the people of our world I don't discriminate--I hate fundies just as much."

by Shiloh May 16, 2005

294๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž



Fundy is my favourite furry

by GravyPickle February 19, 2021

51๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fundamental Christian, usually protestant, who obsesses over the Bible and had no real knowledge of anything.

Yesterday a fundy told me santa was satan, they just mixed up the letters.

by chris November 16, 2004

423๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž



also a streamer and a coder but MAINLY, Furry.

"Twitch ๐’ซ๐š›-" *Mic cuts out* - Fundy

by Vernorexxie December 24, 2020

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A judgemental teenage boy or girl (but usually girl) of the Fundamentalist Christian faith. She usually enjoys Christian music, going to church, and pretending she's read the Bible. This person hates everything and everyone with an opposing viewpoint on the origin or practice of Christianity. The fundie likes to hang out in groups of other Christians during science classes to ask if evolution is just a theory. When you try to have an intelligent conversation about religion with one, she will turn into an apathetic bitch who's only defense from being friends with you is her hate of free-thinking and her endlessly pissy attitude towards you and anyone else you've ever spoken to. Since being indoctrinated into the Christian faith by her cartoonishly close-minded parents (or other fundamentalists around her) from a very young age, that is all she knows and will openly deny any new ideas on the world even if they can improve countless lives and make the world a better place (Jesus is coming to get us in a few years. So what's the point?). If you ever try to read a book other than the Bible around her, get ready for a "Funder Storm with a chance of Pain" because you're going straight to hell. You must also never utter the words "talking snake", "Imagine", "contradiction", "Pro-Choice" or "atheist" in close proxitmity even if that is not your personal opinion. It really doesn't matter to them. They're doing God's work so expect an exorcism. And while you can have fundies as friends, be careful about Christianity. They can smell doubt like fear.

Dude, stop respectfully stating your opposing viewpoints on the subject of actually following Jesus' teachings of compassion, forgivness and love, divinity, science, religion and philosophy! The fundies will hate you despite their pre-packaged opinions being the exact opposite of anything in the actual Bible!

by Zatak April 13, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž