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a beautiful powerful queen who's very smart

Person:Do you know that goth bicth?
Person 2: Don't come for my queen ever again because I will break your knee caps, g0th1ck is love, g0th1ck is life

by itsbritneybirtch_ June 13, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A TikTok user that is a feminist and a goth(surprisingly not a furry/raptor).A lot of tiktokers hate her but her fans are mostly annoying.Also she overreacts sometimes

β€œFuck g0th1ck dude.She can go suck another feminists pussy”

by M1dget_M@n June 10, 2020

7πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A popular TikTok feminist that advocates for womens rights while occasionally putting women over men. She strides for equality but usually ends up making something that will justify why she thinks women are better than men. Her fanbase consist of edgy trannies that think they are over anyone who dare speaks to them and will usually say things like β€œwallet” or β€œKAM”

Guy: Do you know g0th1ck on tiktok?

Other Guy: Yeah, I just commented on her post and now I have 5,000 replies from pressed goths who don’t have the same opinion from me

by g0th1ck June 11, 2020

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a feminist queen. we all stan her. you should toom don't be an incel. stan g0th1ck for clear skinπŸ₯°

person: "g0th1ck is a such a queen!!!"
person 2: "i know right!!! we shall all stan our non racist feminist queen!!!"

by narutostan June 6, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A Tick tock queenπŸ‘‘ who brings awareness to sexism in our society.

Sad little incels can't stand that she wants equality so they feel threatened by her. Probably because she's way hotter than those lil shrimp dicks.

Me: heyy did you see g0th1ck's new tik tock? She's really bringing awareness to problems in our society.
Person: Really? I thought she hates men.
Me: No she even talks about issues that men face. She never said that she hates men.

Person: oh I should probablyy stop believing things that sensitive incels tell me and check my facts...
Me: Your right, and now everybody go follow our queen

by Qweeens June 6, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A "feminist" that says she is hated by Incels, however that is a very bad way to defend herself.

Feminism supports equality, she supports the opposite of the Patriarchy, she basically supports for only women to have power. She also is a very bad person if you didn't get that.

Fuck g0th1ck, she said all men should be in cages.
Yeah dude.

by emotjmer June 18, 2020

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A well educated slaying queen. She's a feminist and does NOT hate men.
She attracts incels with her good and valid points tho

person A: Who's that goth chick and why is she banned?
person B: She a totally good feminist, but sensitive incels felt putted down by her only wanting equality. G0th1ck/G0thiccck doesn't hate men, but they stubborn...

by only saying fax June 6, 2020

35πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž