germans are so cool. all who are german r going to heaven
germans are so fucking cool
150π 140π
Germans are really nice people from a small country in the middle of europe. They aren't nazis. Because of their nazi-past ( in german it's possible to combine every word you want ) they are bashful.
We (the germans) aren't fat or hairy. It's a stupid prejudice.
Look at facebook. We're hot ;)
We are allowed to drink beer and wine when we are 16 years old and vodka, rum, whisky and the hard alcohol with 18 years. Are you jealous?
And nearly everyone loves soccer and loves to support his favorite team (Schalke 04!!).
And Sauerkraut is disgusting. We eat more potatoes than Kraut. (at least the people i know.)
The bavarians are special. Someones say that they don't belong to germany and much more to austria. And the bavarians has their own beer. White Beer ( weizen bier).
So if you think about Germany, don't combine it with bavarians. It's only a small part of it. And by the way, Leather trousers look weird. However a Dirndl ( a bavarian dress for women) is fu***** hot ( if you wear the modern ones)
Last but not least:
german beer is the best. Why do you deform our great beverage ?? Your beer tastes like pee mixed with water. AND WTF IS LIGHT BEER??? Are you kidding??
Germany -> Deutschland
Beer -> Bier
Soccer -> FuΓball
Dog -> Hund
Bavaria -> Bayern
best soccer team in the whole world -> Schalke 04
30π 23π
a person thats really attractive and confident, funny and outgoing....usually a man residing in the area of hanford.
1:superman is german
2:he looks so hot and is so funny he must be german
16π 11π
1countable someone from Germany 2uncountable the language used in Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland 3 relating to Germany, its people, or its language
German history, a young German couple
28π 25π
Basically what I got from everyone else's description is:
Germans are strong, angry, Nazis with large penises that used to beat up France as a hobby.
Don't go near that angry guy in the Nazi uniform, he will strike you down with his large genetalia. He is German.
226π 307π
1.someone who is born or is from Germany
2. Most germans have blonde hair (so do I)
im german and im from germany and they are not nazi's!
jeez people that call germans are so racist.
36π 71π
a language only spoken by space squirels on mars. the only word in the german language is "savaaq" which means 'on the second moon of the ninth lunar cycle, a child and his parents went to the sun to have a bath, shortly after the bath they visited earth and went back to the sun' it is rumored that people who live in germany speak german, but this is not true. germans only speak indian, except for the time between 12 PM and 6 PM on April 17th, which is when they speak cantonese.
guy 1: dude did you hear about the space squirels?
guy 2: what?
guy 1: there are space squirels that live on mars and that speak german.
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