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Get one up on you

Generally said by a female- In reference to getting a guys dick up, before pleasuring it

I will get one up on you ;)

by Jamie12356 October 25, 2010

4πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

To get one's beak wet

To moisten one's 'beak', metaphorically or literally. Initially coined by one CaptSteelShank, briefly plagiarised by Professor Poulet, but then swiftly recovered by its original creator, the phrase 'Man's got to get his beak wet' was originally used to describe the process of landing at Construction Site ('struc city bitch) on Call of Duty's Blackout to quickly engage the enemy.

The phrase has since been adapted to mean 'to moisten one's genitals through acts linked (but not restricted to) coitus', primarily due to the abrupt departure of the Captain's partner from a 9 year relationship with little more explanation than 'I need time for myself.'

Man's got to get his beak wet!

Did you hear about Jim? It's been a while but man got his beak wet last weekend!

'Have you seen Tom?' 'No I think he's getting his beak wet in your bedroom'

What is it to get one's beak wet?

by Captain Steelshank March 22, 2019

7πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

buy one get one free

a synonym for masturbation

Kease: I heard your girl left for vacation?
Mikey: Yup, so im going to have to buy one get one free until she comes back

by John Doughty April 30, 2008

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

to get donked, get one's donk on

1. to go donkey honking
2. to participate in the act of honking donkeys

"Man, it's time to get my donk on!"
"Dude, it's time to get donked!"
(usually said when finishing up work at a music store, preferably a Guitar Center)

by Robert Scahill May 19, 2003

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Get my ones

It is usually used when you are gonna fight someone, 1v1. Just you two

"Keisha, keep talking shit and i'm finna get my ones with you!"
"These hoes on the train got their ones with each other over an off brand handbag"

by hailyc April 26, 2017

53πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Get you one

to smoke a bowl of marijuana. quite simple.

Ashton Kutcher: "Hey man, are you going to get get you one with me after the show tonight?"

Snoop Dogg: "Nah, I already got me one earlier today. You can go ahead and get you one, though."

by 1bram4 August 27, 2009

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Get that last one on

When it’s October 31st and you gotta get that last one in while you can

Billy”Hey Bob you gonna get that last one on?” Bob”Hell yeah man!”

by ImmoblieSleet October 31, 2019

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