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mud geyser

A method of protest practiced by "Yippies" of the 60's whereas after a large meal is consumed, preferably Mexican, a large dose of laxative is administerd. After sufficient intestinal brewage has taken place, the activist takes to a public swimming facility, and after inhaling a long deep breath, submerges only to emerge ass first (and ass only) to the surface in a populated area of the said public swimming facility for the sole purpose of spraying a fountain of gut grease skyward. The horror in the aftermath is immesurable.

We were enjoying a wonderful spring day at our local lake when we had to make a rapid evacuation due to a filthy individual demonstrating a "mud geyser."

by Wingman September 14, 2003

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premature geyser

When you are on your bed beating your cock so hard that your cum unexpectedly flies up into your face and mouth.

Ryan: Dude I experienced a premature geyser last night.

Me: Sorry to hear that man.

by nico jack pepper November 16, 2017

Creamy Geyser

When your partner who is lactose intolerant drinks a tall glass of milk and shoots diarrhea on your forehead.

I want a creamy geyser tonight.

by flatfrog April 8, 2012

Gilded Geyser

Much like an Angry Dragon, but with urine instead of semen, the partner's nostrils erupt in an Old Faithfulesque spewing of urine out of their nose. Perfect for nose hair removal and works like a charm to relieve any cold or sickness, you should probably try giving your SO one today!

Cascading urine pours from the heavens of his nostrils, Tyrese had never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful as his lovely mate gave him a precious gilded geyser of love from her vaginal blast.

by Sneed d'Elaine November 6, 2020

Greek Geyser

The action of shooting your load into a girl's mouth full of feta cheese.

"The best part of my trip to Greece was giving seven Greek Geysers."

by M-Chill December 20, 2012

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Anal Geyser

After a man anal creampies a chick, the chick gets down on all fours and points her asshole in the air. The chick then convulses her asshole with the pressure of 1,000 atmospheres so as to shoot the cum back out her ass and into the air in a majestic display of cum, shit chunks, blood, and beauty. This act is reminiscent of 'Old Faithful' erupting.

Larry: "Dude I'm quitting my job as a porn camera man."

Lawrence: "Why man? It's a sweet gig"

Larry: "I had to film an anal geyser scene today and got splattered by the spray. That's the 3rd pair of clothes I've had ruined this week because of anal geysers... It was majestic though."

by the_fatrix69 July 16, 2010

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Pineapple Geyser

Inserting a pineaple into one's anus and leaving it there until fecal pressure builds to the point of releasing a shit geyser

"Shove it up my ass," Ethan said, so we gave him a pineapple. three days later, there was a Pineapple Geyser of epic proportions

by Duckens April 8, 2010

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