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giggity giggity goo

A retarded word made up from the sound of a dog vomiting.

Gary-yo, wanna hear a joke?
Josh-sure, why not
Gary-giggity giggity goo!
Josh- Gary i will snap your fucking neck

by _the_urban_goose_ January 11, 2022

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Giggity Giggity

Phrase is said when the uncontrollable urge to completely fucking destroy someone with all your parts takes over.

"Hey Dad, can we go to the park?"
"Sure honey, Giggity Giggity."

by sapnu puas pls July 12, 2022

Giggity Giggity

A phrase said by the character "Glenn Quagmire" from the cartoon adult show "family guy" when he looks at a spicey woman.

girl: "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Glenn Quagmire: "Giggity giggity, good to meet you"

by big black oily men 69420 January 30, 2024

Giggity giggity

When you watch underage porn you say the quote giggity giggity

Giggity giggity

by Giggity giggity it's quagmire April 1, 2021


The term that Quagmire from the series "Family Guy" uses whenever he's talking about sex.

Giggity-giggity is a (slang) that means uncountable sexual intercourse throughout thoughts and feelings normally related to sex.

Oh my look at miss Janet's credit card she maxed out on dildo's, Jack the Amazon store advisor for sales says to his Co-workers.

The thoughts the word "Dildo"brought to your head is giggity-giggity

by Mr beckford May 13, 2020

Giggity Giggity

I declare this phrase was first used (uncredited) by someone, somewhere in the South as they were driving some old American metal, shifted it into 2nd gear, nailed it and yelled "Giggity giggity."

As Jackie was driving her 1970 GTO down Buford Highway, she dropped it into 2nd gear and gleefully yelled, "Giggity Giggity" as her passengers were thrown slightly back into their seats and her challenger was left in the dust.

by SequoiaHawks May 1, 2024