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Girthy Turd

A girthy turd occurs when you fist your ass, and stretch it open with 2 hands and take a big green shit. Also referred as a Shrek Dump (a big green watery shit).

The other day my asshole muscle squeezed out a girthy turd and it left me with a butt guppy.

by GirthyTurd October 23, 2009

22👍 11👎

girthy meat

the male penis which is enlarged and girthy

Rinatore has girthy meat.

by kimmay April 11, 2005

41👍 34👎

girthy cock

the biggest dick you will ever see

holy shit did you see johns girthy cock

by Adolf_Drippler69420 April 20, 2023

girthy chode

A phallic instrument of significant width in comparison to it's length

Ooh boy his dick was wider than it was deep inside of me! he had a girthy chode!

by GirthyAF February 16, 2017

girthy oak

An oak tree that has the girthiest base anyone has ever seen

That tree over there is a girthy oak.

by dan_dan_521 August 7, 2017

Girthy’s Paradox

This paradox is described as when Male A cannot create sperm to have children and Male B donates a working testicle to Male A. Then when Male A has a child with the new working testicle is the child Male A’s or is it really Male B’s?

Woah that’s crazy, are you sure that’s his child or did Girthy’s Paradox throw us for a loop?

by GIRTHYMONSTER69 September 2, 2021

girthy beef

A large girthy, thick and juicy penis. Resembles a nice steak

Bob: Give us some of that girthy beef Eden.

by fagsquad September 12, 2017

3👍 2👎