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glunks and bungles

an adverbial phrase;
a retarded way of saying "for shits and giggles".

Person 1: yeah so i decided to hit up this cute chick from the bar for glunks and bungles and apparently we hit it off good so we're going on a date to White Castle.
Person 2: what the fuck? glunks and bungles? are you retarded?

by twentyfivefish January 27, 2025


Someone who acts cockeyed and acts slow and or takes a while to understand something

"I cant work wit your ass you such a fucking glunk, cant understand shit."

by 20th centuary SLANG August 21, 2019


Somone who enjoys watching glee and also enjoys drinking alcohol or getting drink hence the word glunk

GLEEK + Drunk = glunk

I am a glunk

by The wizard in the trees July 28, 2024


To club someone over the head with a stiff, blunt object - as a caveman would do - in order to render the person unconscious.

The homeowner grabbed a wooden bat and glunked the unaware intruder.

by asterix299 October 9, 2015


Glunk refers to the pokemon core of using gligar and skuntank on a single pokemon team.

That guys glunk team totally destroyed me-guy 1
Yeah dude you got glunked-guy 2

by Hidanmadethislmao April 9, 2024


A slimy substance that still keeps its shape a bit, I.E Gunk, Grime, Goo, Slime, Sludge, Ect..

Person A: Hey dude, you see all that stuff?
Person B: Yeah, That Glunk.

by Vinny:3 October 5, 2023