Source Code

GTS (Go to Sleep)

CM Punks new finishing move, Cm punk gets a guy in a military press position (holding a guy over your head, elbows locked) and he drops the guy and introducing his opponents forehead to cm's knee thus, puttin him 2 sleep

GTS (Go To Sleep) = pwnage times a million

by kennyc June 23, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

GTS (Go to Sleep)

WWE "superstar" CM Punk's shit as finisher

"Oh what's he gonna do now, oh it's his shit as finisher the GTS (Go to Sleep)" - Jerry Lawler

by Foonage October 6, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Going to sleep knowing

When you know something

me going to sleep knowing

by willdeez14 September 5, 2022

go to sleep forever

A family friendly phrase for the replacement of "die"

My Dog is about to go to sleep forever!

by sang woolen November 20, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

i can go to sleep

I can review it for you :)

Mom: "I can go to sleep."
Kid: Ohh! Thank you for agreeing to review my work.
Sleep = work

by Dea Sapientiae January 7, 2021

go commit sleep in nether

when you play MineCraft and you sleep in nether you explode to death, all No U's, Reverse's and Counter's don't work

Jake bullies Duane
Duane: go commit sleep in nether

by Zyrerin November 19, 2018

I won't go to sleep on you.

You will do what you say you will do!

Don't worry, I'll remember our agreement, "I won't go to sleep on you."

by Taylor Madison May 10, 2016