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No meaning, stupidity, search it up


by Jax Fax Of Genshin Impact March 16, 2021


The act of gobbling like a turkey whalst eating woman's vagina out

I absoubolutely GOBBLEDYGOOKED my stepsis last night!

by jkgfyudtyftuigfjvyuggfdtkfuyg. November 28, 2024


a random word i found on google , 🙂😎🥲😎🥲😎🥲😎😎🥲

“hey sammy wammy double hammy , i just GOBBLEDYGOOKED your sister .”

“what the hel-“ 👱🏿 ♂️

by ayla <3 June 24, 2021


The meaning of Gobbledygook is nonsense, it means nonsense\gibberish.

Tom is saying complete gobbledygook.

by ILoveSobaTheDog September 23, 2020


A Korean turkey. Get it?

“Hey you get that Korean turkey at the store today?”

“Yeah, why do you ask, guy?”

“‘Cause we should prepare that gobbledygook. Tomorrow’s thanksgiving and we promised your mentally ill nephew we’d make something ‘ethnic’”

by Gonna eat your ass faggot August 17, 2018


A person you miss who is so good and cute; A place within the mind where all the gobbledygook persons reside

Oh my God, my sweet little gobbledygook!

by Aqua de Vita April 19, 2021


Nonsense talk, meaningless language, something said or written in an overly complex, incomprehsible or incoherent way.

Apparently the first known attestation was in a memo by US Representative (Texas) Maury Maverick dated March 30, 1944, banning "gobbledygook language". Apparently coined in imitation of the sounds made by a turkey.
Mr. Maury Maverick was, incidentally, the grandson of lawyer and politician Samuel Maverick, whose behaviour regarding his cattle inspired the term maverick ("offbeat").
The date of the memo is also interesting, because it was four days following the birth of illustrious diva Diana Ross.
Another noteworthy use of the term gobbledygook was in Judge Judy's 60 Minutes interview in 1993, before she got her own show. She said that people who do the right thing are not afraid of her, saying that they are afraid if they come in and do the routine thing, which is to give her a lot of rhetoric and gobbledygook. It is therefore, quite possible, that the word may have been heard on the original Judge Judy, and possibly Judy Justice. Judge Judy was also born 1942, making her a baby whenever Maverick used the term gobbledygook in the aforementioned memorandum.

Don't give me your fancy rhetoric and gobbledygook!

by Sir Carlton October 27, 2022