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Godless Left

The opposite and much more dangerous counterpart to the so called religious right the godless left wants absolute power over government and the nation and will use any opportunity such as economic crises, natural disasters, mass murders, etc. to further their liberal social agenda. The godless left would rather pass moronic liberal social policies, ban free speech (unless you agree with them), and point fingers at everybody else, instead of doing anything worthwhile for the United States. They want the US to have an atheistic government and to brainwash everybody into sharing their same views.

Members of the godless left can often be found complaining about "In God We Trust" on the the American dollar, "One Nation, Under God" in the pledge (or the whole pledge), and will bitch anytime somebody says "God Bless America." They think they are being threatened every time they see Christian imagery, and generally they exist to make the world a shittier place.

Members of the godless left are often leftists who also promote things like gutting our national defense, wasting money on carbon credits,

"Religious right? The religious right is harmless besides for a few moronic traitors in that inbred Westboro "Baptist Church". The real threat is the godless left who is working to strip your rights and destroy everything America stands for. They would force gay marriage instead of civil unions, remove the 2nd amendment to the Constitution, and ban freedom of religion if they could."

by KingLampshade May 21, 2009

11212👍 46👎

godless whore

a girl that has sex before marriage
not in the back either. you might want to stay away from them

alyssa: i had brad come thru the back door last night

nancy: what? i bounce on jeff’s dick
alyssa: omg! you godless whore

by thefuckingtea April 21, 2019

7👍 3👎

godless filth

Disgusting sorry excuses for human beings. Cowardly atheist hypocrites who would beat their wives and perform whatever twisted acts they lust for while claiming moral superiority over everybody else. They attempt to project their lives and desires on anybody who does not share their opinions.

godless filth pretty much consists of fanatical atheists, serial killers, and rapists.

by JohnDoe113 December 25, 2009

10👍 14👎

Godless Sodomite


Taylor, the godless sodomite, is a disease-ridden concubine who can't keep her hands on her own Dr. Pepper

by James Marsters September 8, 2008

7👍 19👎

Godless Douche Monster

(Also known as GDM) the act of being a supreme an supreme bitch

Man, Micky B was being an a total Godless Douche Monster last night. What a douche!

by Flipper U. Weticus December 22, 2009

9👍 3👎

Oh my godlessness

The atheist counterpart of the (over-used) exclaimation "Oh my god".

Just like the phrase "Oh my god", except it acknowledges the speaker's lack of belief in the existence of any supreme being(s).

Used to express shock, fright, and basically all other strong emotions.

Oh my godlessness, that guy is fucking a pumpkin.

by Jessicle the Popsicle November 24, 2011

2👍 8👎

Godless help

Godless help defines a situation where an unintelligent person with strong atheistic beliefs tries to mock other religions with the usage of ''scientific proof'' without checking the source of said proof.

Katy only brings Godless help on Facebook

by punrigby November 22, 2021