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Ony the Greatest

Ony the Greatest is a person who lives in white middle class suburbs, who probably hasn't been diagnosed with a light syndrome of down's syndrome yet.. He is also a wannabe rap superstar! The song's he makes sound like they were written up while eating at a local Chipotle and then later on finished while taking a massive crap.

Guy 1
-Hey man have you heard Ony the Greatest's cover of Heartless?
Guy 2
-Yeah man.. It sounded like the shit I took this morning.

by #1ONYFAN January 21, 2013

greatest high

when a gay ass vampire steals your grandpas blood.

DIO: What a truly magnificent feeling! I feel so good, I could break out into song! One hundred years ago, I obtained immortality. But I didn't feel as absolutely wonderful as I do now! Joestar blood suits me well! This is the greatest high!

by diegobrandosimp October 6, 2020

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

the greatest ever

when your girls better is better than the better of any other girl.

my girlfriend, Colleen, is the greatest ever.

by Mikey940 April 17, 2008

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

World's Greatest

In Ultimate Frisbee, the World's Greatest is a move in which a player jumps from within the boundaries of the field to retrieve a disc that has flown out of bounds. In order to pull off a World's Greatest, the player must jump from behind the boundary line, catch the disc in midair, and toss it back into the playing field before he or the disc lands out of bounds, which would result in a turnover. Other definitions of a World's Greatest are more specific. Often to truly be considered a World's Greatest, the disc must be caught by a teammate after returning in-bounds, and some variants state that the disc be caught in the opponent's endzone. To maximize glory while attempting the World's Greatest, a player should lay out while making the catch and subsequent toss. The more bones you break, muscles you pull, and teeth you lose while attempting the World's Greatest will increase your glory by a factor of holy shit. When used in speech, the World's Greatest is often shortened to "the Greatest."

"Oh my God! It's The World's Greatest!"

"Holy shit, did you see Dale pull off that Greatest just now? He's totally getting laid tonight!"

by Percival H. Manjob April 24, 2006

36πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

the greatest plan

using any flying vehicle(preferibly an helicopter) to kamikazee yourself into the problem as stated by the genius valiant hero Charles Calvin

Wait there, i have a plan(the greatest plan)

by joe ligma yuri updog January 4, 2022

Zak the Greatest

Literally means:The greatest motherfucka to ever live. He owned the dinosaurs and put a bullet through Chuck Norris's head. Killer of Mr.Rodgers ,Barney,Bob the builder ,and the Teletubbies. Seducer of wives, defiler of virgens and the master of all horney women who crave a huge dick

OMG there goes Zak the Greatest lookthe fuck out yo!

by Zak Parker February 5, 2008

150πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

latest and greatest

a term usually used in a derogatory manner to describe brand new things, and how sought after and fawned over they are by people who often already have perfectly good items said new thing would be replacing, usually in an attempt to stay hip or cool, be "first on the block," or keep up with the Joneses.

The Apple fanboys always gotta have the latest and greatest, faithfully in line for new iPads and iPhones, even if their current ones are only a few months old and the new ones aren't that much different.

Hayley, you already have 12 Prada bags, do you really need to chase down the latest and greatest?

Gotta love how these spoiled hipsters use their trust funds on the latest and greatest!

by Kuahmel March 11, 2013

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž