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Action guaranteed

1. When the opposite sex of you has enough alcohol to give you some action. (derived from satisfACTION Guaranteed

I think that if Larissa has 4 beers it will be action guaranteed.

by krillo May 1, 2006

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Oklahoma Guarantee

A guarantee that isn't really a guarantee. Usually consists of "I'll be damned if it doesn't work," "if it breaks, you can call me a son of a bitch," and "if it breaks in two, you can keep both the pieces!"

Comes from the days when unscrupulous Oklahoma used car dealerships would give unscrupulous warranties that were worth the paper they were printed on. These were the days before lemon laws.

The term has been popular in Texas and Oklahoma, but has some limited nationwide use.

Products made in China come with the Oklahoma Guarantee.

by therealelizacat December 15, 2013

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Saftey Not Guaranteed

An add to travel back in time pasted together with a school picture of a guy with strange hair called Captian J picard. The add reads: "WANTED: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box ____, Oakview, CA 93022. You'll get paid when we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Saftey not guaranteed I have only done this once before."

"WANTED: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box ____, Oakview, CA 93022. You'll get paid when we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Saftey not guaranteed I have only done this once before."

by saftey not guaranteed August 15, 2006

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Guaranteed Cummer

A person (usually a man) who succeeds in busting a nut, 100% of the time when he engages in sexual activity. This is a term of high regard, and connotes that one has the sexual prowess to effectively release their load 100% of the time during sexual relations. Also known by the acronym GC'er.

Hey Kristen, I'd love for you to meet my friend, he's a great guy, a real mensch. Like all of the stallions who I call my wingmen, he is a Guaranteed Cummer.

What do you mean a Guaranteed Cummer?

Oh, he cums every time, 100% of the time!

by El Don Parchador January 3, 2011

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Guaranteed Left

When you creep your way into an intersection with the intention to turn left, yet there is no end to oncoming traffic in sight.

This way, when the light eventually turns red, you are guaranteed the quick left turn in the short delay between oncoming traffic stopping and the crossing traffic going.

"Traffic was really heavy and the green arrow had already disappeared, so rather than wait through a whole new light cycle, I made the guaranteed left."

by Pilotguy44 October 6, 2009

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French Guarantee

When an hubristic person promises something will happen and it does not, thus leaving the person looking extremely foolish.

(Made famous by French swimmer Alain Bernard)
Ian promised he finally would get some action last night. He's full of French guarantees.

by coocookuhchoo August 11, 2008

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Guaranteed Ass

The poor girlfriend in a falty relationship who is actually a more involved booty call rather than a true girlfriend. The guy gets involved in the relationship so that when he is with her he has a more guarenteed chance to have sex. He will shower her with gifts, sweet talk her on the phone, and celebrate random anniversaries. This is also the boyfriend who will not put his relationship on a social networking site and makes up some excuse when his real reason is he could tell a random girl that he doesn't have a girlfriend. This is most common in college. As mentioned before he feels that this is perfect for the random breaks, he knows that he will have sex when he is home.

Jill is just some guaranteed ass, I take her out for her birthday, get her some flowers than I get sex whenever I want.

by Amy H December 16, 2007

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