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R o t f l t d o l w t h b g h o t w a h i a n

Roll On The Floor Laughing Then Died Of Laughter Went To Heaven But Got Hit On The Way And Here I Am Now

Died because he laughed to much went to heaven bt wings got chopped of by a plane and fell all the way back in to his body so he is here today... eg R o t f l t d o l w t h b g h o t w a h i a n

by LittleT February 9, 2012

10๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

S. S. S. H. A. W.

Shower, Shit, Shave, Have A Wank. As with "Something about Mary" its best not to go on a date with a "loaded gun" so this is the correct first date preparation...

Go to go - I still need to S. S. S. H. A. W. before my date tonight...

by Marvin (Starvin) September 5, 2021

w h e e z e

To laugh uncontrollably in a wheezing sound. The spaces in between the letters the "flat" sounding and length of the noise. Usually used by people who just saw a funny post on reddit.

(in person)
Person A: "Enter funny joke here"
Person B: *w h e e z es uncontrollably*

(on the internet)
Person A: "Joke"
Person B in the comments: W H E E Z E

by MrChickinMan March 5, 2021


Shes the best, woman(girl) you'll ever meet. This shows how much love fai has for mina
her= h
world= w


by Mina's Husband December 28, 2022

George H. W. Bush

Mr NWO himself.

George H. W. Bush mentioned the NWO many times

by ehnowthen August 25, 2024

295๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

H(w)ang Hyunjin

A tiktoker who sells their body off to their uncles, hence why they have a phone to hate on the 4th gen leaders, skz.

Me: "Did you know i saw H(w)ang Hyunjin in the slumps today?"

Stays: "Really, that's what they get lmao."

by Wonie October 24, 2023

W h a t

A meme in Hwa Chong Institution, created by the Physical Education teacher. Examples of use are when someone says something dumb or something inaudibile.

The square root of 144 is 11- I MEA-
Everyone: W H A T

by Nope_Piggy March 25, 2021